I think you are very nice and genuine?

  1. – I really trust your judgement
    – I really value your opinion
    – You have excellent taste
    – You have great insight
    – You can get along with anyone
    – You’re so passionate about what you

  2. If you mean it, make it a bit more personal, maybe try “You’ve got a great vibe about you, can’t help but enjoy your company” or something similar

  3. I’d use the line to let someone know they are ok but I’m just not interested. Of course they would have had to make at least a veiled attempt to get together.

  4. It is generic, although the word “nice” is overused and underwhelming. Maybe pleasant/ engaging/ kind/ interesting/ gracious/ enjoyable/ considerate or courteous (some could be used especially if you’re referring to their conversational skills). It just may result in your compliment having a slightly more positive impact, making it more memorable.

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