who has completely lost your respect?

  1. Lost my respect implies they previously had it. And this question has made me realise I don’t have a lot of respect for others, passing basic human decency.

  2. My parents, they use me and my siblings as tokens for their stupid divorce fights. For context, they’ve been divorced for almost 10 years now. tired of it at this point.

  3. A few of my exes. Im a pretty straight forward person and i enjoy treating people properly aswell.

    However that doesnt give them the right to walk all over me, assault me or use me emotionally or financially

  4. Content creators/artists/brands that hop on the NFT trend, especially when they claim theirs are “eco-friendly” (No they’re not).

  5. Jameela Jamil. If you’ve seen Tracie Morrissey’s Instagram stories then you know …

  6. I wanna type her name but I won’t, a girl that I opened up to, loved would have risked left everything for.

  7. Anyone who voted for bongbong marcos. Ph election are just a survey for counting the uninformed or the stupid

  8. 1. People who stand by when they see others’ lives going downhill and excuse it as “not my problem to help them”. Shows no initiative in my eyes and I think it enables them to believe they’re safe and aren’t the ones making those bad decisions.

    2. Cheaters. Their reasons and not taking accountability for it, the result of it all. It leaves me feeling bitter and I try to explain to friends that want to cheat the consequences and risks they’d be doing if they did.

    3. Animal abuse. It also leaves me feeling bitter.

  9. My deceased father’s parents for enabling the absolute shit out of my 40 something alcoholic aunt by allowing her to live at their home and driving her to work every day (DUIs) and forcing her on everyone in our family especially me when I’ve made it clear, we aren’t close and I don’t wish to be. Meanwhile, treating me (early 20s) with my life together, working on my mental health and sobriety like I’m the black sheep for my attitude concerning healthy boundaries and mistakes I made when I was a literal child and have realized and damn well made up for.

  10. My (f22) mother’s parents. I have only talked to them once since January 2021 after they did some accusations about my father to make them “holier than thou” bs. Once my mom said her peace with them I called and told them off because prior my mother was not ready for that. When I have children they are never going to meet. The trauma and biblical stuff that messed me up from them trying to nitpick everything I did under that microscope will never be seen by my children. As far as I am concerned my grandparents will never even know that I have children.

  11. My stepmom. Kinda sucks cause for a while she was the only positive motherly figure in my life. Disappointed to see her turn out to be just another bully

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