Fellow men, what’s something making you unhappy in your life, and what would help make it better?

  1. Im a single dad and i miss the security i felt having a partner. I can do it alone, it just sucks. But as men we are alone, thats it. But we are resilient too, a fine combo.

  2. The State forcing me to pay my ex money while she alienates my kids away from me.

  3. I pay rent. Better would be to not have to pay rent.

    I don’t work from home. Need to learn an in-demand job that I can (eventually) do well and can be done from home. And by can be I mean is being done from home, none of this back to the office bullshit.

  4. This one assholr that keeps making bad decisions. Yeah if I could just be dead that would be great.

  5. Not unhappy, but one of the clients for my current work project had been an absolute nightmare and I’m starting to run out of patience (I think my frustration is starting to show, because management keeps constantly reminding me how much they appreciate me and the work I’m doing)

    What would make it better? A raise, a vacation, or just being able to finish the job for that client so I can move on to a project that’s less demanding

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