Should I (29F) go to the trip I originally planned to see my (now) ex (29M) or waste ticket?

Hi guys, so I met this guy on hinge (never in person) last year and we kept continuing the conversation on and off. That escalated into texting via phone number to FaceTiming once in a while to FaceTiming every single night / texting heavily. It felt like we were both into each other (or at least I think he did like me) so I bought a plane ticket to visit him for $250 a month away from the date of purchase.

Eventually this situation changed when he got super busy with clinical (he’s in his third year of med school) and started texting me less. Some nights he didn’t even text me. I got anxious because I thought there was another girl involved (he wanted to continue seeing other people) and that being busy was an excuse so we got into a fight and it ended. I was really hurt from this experience and am still grieving / feeling depressed but slowly getting better.

Problem is I don’t know if I should still go on the trip (it’ll cost additional money because now I’ll have to book a hotel and Uber around to tour plus it’s not even a popular city for me to tour much. It has Niagara Falls at least) or not go and waste it? I’m also not sure how I feel about being there and knowing I’ll never see this guy again where that trip was originally supposed to be to see him.

TLDR things ended between this guy and I, and I had bought tickets to see him next weekend

  1. Niagara Falls is a great place to visit! Lots to see and do on the main strip (Clifton Hill – on the Canadian side). And right now there’s lots of hotel deals because it’s kinda off season.

    I would go on my own to Niagara Falls…

    I guess it depends on your finances and desire to have a mini vacation…

  2. Better to lose $250 than to lose $250 + cost of a hotel + cost of transport + cost of food and incidentals (I’m guessing it will be closer to $500+ all said and done).

    Call the airport, try your luck. Maybe they’ll be willing to give you a voucher. Otherwise, just take the hit. It’s not a huge loss.

  3. I had a similar situation once. I did end up meeting them and we didn’t click in real life and it was such a sad ending with a lot of hope built up.

    Def exchange if you can or get a voucher. Could be nice to save for a trip you really care about for yourself.

    Personally have only been disappointed with LDR and swore to only date locally. Hope you meet someone you click with and it doesn’t require a plane ticket

  4. Hey. I’ve (34m) lost out on the cost of 3 trips in my time. I now get mad anxiety when booking a trip with a partner as it seems like I’m always single by the time it comes around. See if you can get the name changed and sell it to someone. Don’t go on the trip. There’s nothing to gained by going. Also it’ll be tarnished from what it was supposed to be about

  5. Look up sunk cost fallacy.

    Current trip $250 lost for the plane ticket

    Go on the trip- plane ticket plus food plus Uber plus hotel plus emotional toll of being in a city you don’t really want to visit with a recent breakup in that city.

    I would take the hit of $250 and do something relaxing and refreshing for you that weekend rather than try to recoup the money spent onto the ticket but being miserable and spending more money the whole time

  6. Niagara falls is one hell of a thing to see. It’s one of those things people are just happy to have experienced. Even if all you did was that and went home, for most people it would have been worth it. I say go.

    Or you know… Find someone with your exact name that could want it. Try the phone book.

  7. If you go and you hate it, is it really less of a waste than if you just don’t go at all? Either way, you’re out money. If you go, you’ll be out *more* money and you don’t seem very interested in really going to this city anyway.

  8. Non-refundable doesn’t mean unusable. It just means you can’t get a refund on the fare. You may be able to exchange the ticket for a different flight to a different destination.

    Call the airline and see if you can get a credit for a different trip. My “non refundable” tickets are sitting as credits I can use for up to a year on a new trip.

  9. There’s this thing called “spent cost fallacy”where we’ll spend more so spent money isn’t wasted. (very bad description of spent cost fallacy, yah, i know people) it’s one if those” human nature can get you” things.

    In short, that money is gone unless of course you can get a voucher or something.

    Make your decision not based on that lost money but, would you like to see Niagara falls for a weekend for the price of an Airbnb or hotel? Or just get out of town for a weekend? I mean it’s ao ays good to see see something new, gets the mind more open by a smidge.

    Sorry it doesn’t dnt work it with the date that sucks but happens.

    Either way though good luck to you!

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