So I (38F) met this guy (53M) on Bumble last month. He pretty much ticked all my boxes. And he says I tick his. He lives in the states and I’m in East Africa.
We started chatting off the app and it was somewhat regular. The time difference has been a bit tough but his full work schedule, his ex-wife’s mental health issues (he was pretty open about this from the start) have been affecting how we converse as he’s busy often. He also raises his two sons by himself.

He’s told his kids about me and I’ve spoken to one of his sons on the phone. He sends me cute pics of his day every now and then too.

Of late, I’ve been feeling the conversations are not flowing as much. Pretty much start and go. He’ll message me in the mornings but it’s hard to have a back and forth. Then in the evening briefly. No free flowing/back and forth convos.

I get that he’s busy. I’m busy too. It’s life.
But I feel I need more from him.
I mentioned that to him yesterday and he basically told me:

– that’s just how his life is right now sadly
– that he would love to come see me but he can’t leave the kids with their mum
– it would be 4 years till his kids are grown) before he could travel freely
– all he can offer me right now is messaging/talking when he can or I wait until he’s able to get around more

I previously suggested we could set times that work when we’re both home. But he didn’t really quite go further into that.

I really like this guy but I don’t want to feel I’m being boxed in and agreeing to the limiting options he’s given. I need more. I need commitment to communication especially it being long distance.

He has asked me to suggest maybe another way forward. So that’s where I am stuck.

I’m pretty flexible with time and finances and if it came to it, I wouldn’t mind going over to visit him in the states.

Is he setting up a bunch of excuses so no matter what I suggest he might say that won’t quite work?
Should I just let this one go and move on?
Are these clear signs that he’s leading me with no real intent to get serious?

He’s been very kind, open and charming thus far.

Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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