Hi all
Long story short – the landlord is selling and therefore me and my housemate have to move out in a few weeks

I am stressed and sleepless about the deposit.. essentially I have spent 2 and a half years supporting, cleaning, dealing with hygiene issues and doing everything when it comes to house admin/DIY

It’s been too much. I have brought up the issues time and time again and now – (most of the stuff in the house is mine) – either things are dirty/left unclean/smell awful due to the lack of showering an hygiene – the whole house smells and I haven’t had people over /tend to shut myself away because as much as I bring up the issue nothing changes

My things are ruined, the house smelling, any tenancy agreements /admin bits are done by me – cleaning / replacing things ready for check out

Likelihood is that we will be charged by my housemates laziness and unwillingness to do anything… as a lead tenant and having 2 and a half years of costs / stress/ cleaning things repeatedly – this charge shouldn’t be completely on me

Can I refuse to give the deposit back?do I charge for the things that are ruined/smelling/all of my kitchen ware being covered in dead hair and old food?

Feeling awful but I’m at the end of my tether and completely anxious.

  1. >Hi all Long story short – the landlord is selling and therefore me and my housemate have to move out in a few weeks


    You meant the landlord issued a section 21 eviction a month or so ago to make it easier to sell without a tenant in situ?

  2. What do you mean by ‘I refuse to give the deposit back?’

    Am I reading it as it was all your deposit (money) given to the landlord, you then sublet and the other occupiers gave you cash to the equivalent of the deposit which you held, and not passed to the landlord?

  3. Firstly, it sounds like you’ve not been served a valid section 21, so you can drag out your eviction if you wish to, potentially for months.

    It’s not clear what the situation is with the deposit. Was it all your money originally? Are you worried about the landlord not returning it due to cleanliness issues? If the landlord does return it do you want to make unofficial deductions from your housemates half because of your property they’ve broken?

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