Men who shit in a public toilet and don’t flush, why?

  1. I assume it’s one that flushes automatically. If they still have a manual flush in 2023 that’s on them. Keep up with the times.

  2. You think the people too lazy to hit a lever will type out a response to you? They are heathens.

  3. I move that the Council of Men shall declare this to be an act of sacrilege and that he who commits such an act is deemed a heretic and hereby exiled from the Empire.

  4. I like to confuse my prey. I’ll shit in one toilet, not wipe and leave a huge turd with no TP. Get up and wipe my ass in the stall next to it and flush that one. Whoever finds the turd thinks there’s some shitty assed monster lurking among them and they’ll never know who

  5. I’ll attempt one or two foot flushes. If it doesn’t work after that I say fuck it. Not touching the handle

  6. I know not relevant, but I have never shit in a public toilet and hopefully will never have to.

    Haven’t done it in school, uni or even at work.

    If I have an upset stomach I drink black coffee whether it’s a placebo or actual cure it stops it long enough for me to get home and do my business.

  7. Its a dominance thing. I want.the to know that.i drop gargantuan turds. They are so big they make other men cry when seen.

  8. Forgot my poop knife and it’s too big to flush on its own. Hoping time will weather the turd in time.

  9. Because what I did was impressive, and everyone should see, but I don’t have time to hang around to give a ted talk about it.

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