Do you bring games, music, etc?

  1. Board games, card games, lots of snacks and cool drinks, sports equipments, camera. If you go alone then maybe grab some books or ebooks.

  2. i’ve never been on one but i’d like to play board/card games on a picnic

  3. I bring a frisbee sometimes, but usually it’s just food and then enjoying nature and chatting.

  4. First and foremost stuff my face with food and preferably also get drunk. Otherwise it depends if its a big group thing or not. Music yes if it’s not going to disturb other groups. Some games sometimes but tbh I prefer to just sit around and chat. If it’s just me and my partner, we probably bring something to read. I don’t really enjoy team sports so something like Frisbee I won’t really get involved in. I played boules on a picnic once though which was fun.

  5. I like to bring small portable games. Dungeon Mayhem and Codenames are two good ones.

  6. I’ve never heard of an activities picnic. I thought the whole point of one was to sit on a blanket and eat / drink?!

  7. We had a picnic at a park here in Singapore that had power outlets ON THE PICNIC TABLE, so we brought a 25 inch TV and played Mario Party in the park, it was so much fun

    But if you don’t have access to power outlets you could always toss a frisbee 😛

  8. I would bring a frisbee, football and a small speaker for music

  9. If it’s with my romantic partner: eat delicious food and drinks, and have a good old open-air romp. The raunchier the better.

    If it’s also with our children: as above, but send the children off on an adventure before the romp bit!

  10. In college the picnics I attended would have music, outdoor games, people chatting.

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