Basically title. If rant or talk about my problems in life and people tell me that my personality is my problem but give me no means to fix it? Like how does one even go about that? If my body was the problem then I go to the gym. If my skills are the problem then I practice them. I just feel like I am my personality and changing my personality would be like changing who I am which y’all have to understand is quite hard to do.

Because I feel like personality develops over years of life which makes it more different than just “fixing a habit”. Idk

  1. First off, fuck them. Do you like yourself? If there are things you think, fuck I bet that is annoying, then work on it. But don’t let others’ perceptions of perfections dull the brilliant edges of you!

  2. No, your personality is who you are deep down, your: values, hopes, dreams, preferences, quirks, opinions, history etc.

    What they’re complaining about is your PERSONA, which is how you *express* your personality. That is a collection on inclinations and habits you’ve developed over time, but those can be grown, cultivated, changed in a variety of ways if you want to become a stronger communicator and better at connecting with people.

    Start looking at some of the traits you’re bringing and see if there’s room for improvement:

    ###[Do YOU Have Good Friendship Traits?](

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