She broke up with me and asked for no contact but i kept reaching out even tho i was blocked. I just wanted to express my feelings (not to get back together or anything) but she completely ignored me as if i didn’t exist. I was just si hurt bc i thought we had this connection and it was something i’ve never felt before. Couple weeks later shes in another relationship. Does it make me a bad person for not caring if I overstepped her boundaries bc thats what i needed for myself? I wanted her to hear me out even tho she didn’t want to.

  1. FYI this will probably get removed since you are asking for a moral judgment.

    But you basically wrote the answer yourself: “I wanted her to hear me out even tho she didn’t want to.”

  2. I’m not quite sure what you’re looking for but I suggest that you use this as an opportunity to reflect.

    Your girlfriend broke up with you and and refused contact. You tried to get her attention but she was not interested.

    It is notable that you mention her new relationship. That tells me that you just don’t quite understand how people work and that you have impulses that are not in your own best interest.

    She didn’t want to hear you out because it is over. You tried to make that happen anyway but it didn’t because it’s over. You’re paying attention to her current relationships status but you should not because it is over.

    It’s really important to learn the difference between needs and wants. You wanted her to listen to you after the break up but she didn’t because it is over. You didn’t need that. In fact, it would have been the worst thing for you.

    It is time to move on and to start thinking in terms of what is best for you and what will serve you well moving forward.

  3. People often talk about “closure.” When it’s something that’s not going your way the only closure is to accept it and move in.

    Assume she said, “Okay, I heard you.” That’s not really what you want. What you want is some other response. Which she was never going to give you.

    So when someone wants No Contact. Have enough respect to do just that.

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