How much flattery is too much flattery from a woman?

  1. Of a small amount, medium amount, and a large amount: medium and large are too much. A compliment or two is nice, but more than that I would get suspicious.

  2. There is such a thing as too much? Wow, what a life to actually have that as a thing, never experienced anything above minimum flattery at the most.

  3. IF it goes beyond just a random compliment, it’s probably too much. Like you shouldn’t be worshipping me or idolizing.

  4. Once in a while is healthy. We get no flattery so a little is more than enough. Think of it as tolerance to a drug. If you’ve had a lot of it already, it won’t do much if you get less than you’re normally used to.

  5. Everything is bad in excess. And obviously it’s not ideal to be in shortage of. So the answer is medium.

  6. Depends on context.
    Did they do something impressive or is it more superficial?
    I’ve had people compliment my beard. That was nice because I put a lot of work into it.
    I’m also really tall, and that took no effort, so that compliment is flat. I can’t control that.

  7. Well, let me tell you, there’s a fine line between genuine compliments and over-the-top flattery. You don’t want it to feel forced or insincere. If a woman constantly showers you with extravagant praises, it might start feeling artificial. Keep it real, keep it authentic, and both you and the compliments will stay on the right track. Don’t let flattery become the main ingredient of the relationship, or things might get a bit sticky.

  8. When it is over the top on things I don’t believe her, I’d prefer not to have that. When it is all verbal without anything physical.

    Saying that, in general, any flattery that appears sincere is always very surprising and welcome.

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