What are the most ridiculous things you’ve done for attention?

  1. in high school i had to go to the hospital for what i thought was appendicitis, ended up just being constipation

    i had been broken up with pretty brutally about a week before, so i posted a picture of myself in the hospital bed and just didn’t tell anyone what happened

  2. Agreeing to make stupid, shitty homemade porn (for private use but he shared some anyway) all to keep one man’s attention. Didn’t work very well as he still cheated,

    AND as an introvert, I hate attention anyway. So it sucked all round. Stupidity at its finest!

    Edit: maybe porn is too strong a word, I just mean, sex & being filmed. Not for any financial reason, so it’s not technically porn.

  3. Army. My buddy was drunk in formation. He was already in deep shit for being drunk at work before. This was possibly gonna be him getting chaptered. So I decided to make a spectacle of myself having a rough day and started screaming and crying and cursing out the platoon sergeant. Got smoked pretty fucking bad. Like god damn I was already in for like 4 years at that point and didn’t know my arms could hurt that bad.

    But they sent the rest of the platoon home or to the barracks while my platoon sergeant and my squad leader kicked my ass.

  4. Let a girl I was into dye my bangs

    I looked hideous for months until it was long enough to buzz

  5. Two girls from work (a store) where loudly singing during slow hours. I started shouting the lyrics so that they would notice me. They heard but totally ignored me and stopped singing.

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