Hi everyone, lately I’ve been getting more in touch with this situation: in my friend’s group, or in other situations where I’m one amongst other people (for example my classmates), when someone decides to organise something on a certain date/with a deadline and the majority agrees, if I’m not totally interested (because I wasn’t the one wanting to do the thing) but I decide to partecipate, it happens that I’m something like only a day or two from that date, and still haven’t done anything.
The reason that gets me to said situation is that I tend to stay focused on everything else I have to worry about (that is more important/urgent) and the organisers in the group never stresses about it in any way.
The least example of this is me that has discovered only today about an important piece for my halloween costume that I can only find in less than 1 day, for a party that 2 of my friends have organized 2/3 weeks ago.
Ok, here’s the real thing…
Why this uncomfortable situations? Is it ME that is in fault because I don’t invested enough time in theese things (while I have to prepare for school tests e.g.)? Or are THE OTHERS in fault because they literally tell the plan and disappear completely from existence (like, they don’t seem to care a bit about their own project) and doesn’t even text me or call me to see if I was actually preparing when they see I’m not letting them know anything?
And I’m kinda sick ending up in discussions with my people because “I was late” at doing the thing. I really want to stop these inconvenients, but I worry a lot of times it has to do with the undiligent people who organize

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