I have a guy friend that is really important to me. he previously wanted us to go out but I rejected him. he’s been by my side during a dark time in my life. now that my life’s getting better I feel like he’s doing things i’m not comfortable with like asking me about my sexual life in a really curious way. I set my boundaries but it just makes me feel bad any time I see the urge in him. I don’t wanna lose him but he seriously needs to stop it. I’m afraid to address his behaviour out of context again. what should I do? I just want things to get back to normal

  1. Say him, you are seeing him as a really close friend.But sometimes he is making you sad (or mad however you feel) because of some private questions.

    If he is not moron, he should understand without context

  2. Well, don’t be a friend then. Easy.

    Let him go completely. maybe your idea of “I don’t wanna lose him” is feeding his false hope and turning him into a delulu.

    To be honest, both of youguys are super selfish in this situation. He wants fuck you, you want to be his friend. Both of youguys are forcing your own ideology to each other.

    Toxic. So let it go.


    I’m 27m Has a female bestfriend(We never had feeling two ugly asians) and has been in friendzone multiple times by other girls.

    I talk about my sex life / advice to my bff(Best Female Friend) and she does it to me too. But we NEVER, NEVER ask first each other’s sex life because gross.


    Trust me, save yourself a time, and don’t waste his time.

  3. >I don’t wanna lose him but he seriously needs to stop it

    FYI he is still sticking around because he thinks he has a chance. I know that sounds fucked up but I can almost assure you it’s true. He took one rejection and then figured maybe you would come around with a little more time. The asking about your sexual life is probably because he is worried that you are having sex with someone else and therefore not available for him.

  4. This is a perfect example of why guys and girls can’t just be friends. There will always be 1 person thinking they have a chance to fuck the other person. I see it all the time and I’ve gone through it 2 or 3 times. Trying to break out of the friend zone isn’t easy. He will always want to fuck you even if he’s getting with someone else.

  5. He has fallen for you and is probably confused why you don’t feel the same. He figured he is friend zoned and is trying to claw his way out of it by talking sex with you. Bad strategy IMO. You should just ghost him and move on

  6. He’s not your friend. He wants to have sex with you. I have never once ever had to reject one of my friends sexual advances towards me. He is not your friend and you are kinda low key evil for keeping him around knowing that he wants you sexually. I hope you understand the level of emotional torture your gaining of validation and attention has thrust upon this poor guy.

  7. You are confusing friendship and support, and his want and need to he physical with you.

    Because he has been your emotional support, you started this mudslide. Now, he wants to escalate this into a sexual one.
    You cannot “go back”. As soon as you allowed him to be your emotional support, you opened up this door.

    What you need to do: end the friendship, if he wants more.
    Do not answer any more of his sexual questions.
    Create bounderies.
    (Personally, because he has made this sexual, I don’t see going back to a “normal” friendship possible, but I make mistakes.)

  8. What I say when people do this is “I don’t know if this could ever grow into some thing of a relationship, but I do know that when you ask me sexual things, it makes me uncomfortable and not want to be around you anymore. “Just make it very clear that the sexual conversation makes you not want to be his friend and that if he does have a crush on you, he should squash the sexual questionsand just be your friend. You said you went through a dark time, and if the dark time is sexual and nature and he legitimately thinks that he’s asking you things for rehabilitation or supportiveness, he will continue to push. Also think of someone who will be there for you through thick and thin, whether you’re fucking him or not, and then decide if this person might not be a relationship at all.

  9. Can you give an example?

    I feel like this is one of those conversations that you would know how to have if you have worked in an office environment long enough:


    In the spirit of utilizing our core competencies, we should refrain from revisiting the inquiry pertaining to my deliverables, specifically ones concerning my core personal utilities as it is neither germane nor conducive to the collaborative nature of our synergy. Let’s focus on our respective talent matrix towards more pertinent subjects that can contribute to our shared objectives and enhance our deliverables.

  10. i had been in your position twice and trust me, the best way to do is to just cut things off with him. Idk about you but it makes me feel shitty knowing someone youd want to be really good friends with only sticking up with you cz he knows he has a “chance” to fuck you. He will leave the second he realizes that you will never ever fuck him. Would you even want a friend like that??

  11. and fuck everyone in this comment section thats trying to guilt trip you into thinking youre a bad person

  12. It will never be normal. Confront him and find out what’s going on.

    The likely issue is that he is in love (or lust) and wants to engage in a “closer” relationship. You have two options:

    Date him or cut ties

    To do anything else will only cause unnecessary drama. For example, he may start acting normal but then one day he rapes you after a pub crawl or something. Or he turns violent and beats your next boyfriend or he tries to harm you for not accepting him etc. etc.

    Things don’t go back to normal. If he helped you through tough times then he is either looking for compensation or he fell in love. either way, if you don’t feel the same toward him then cut ties.

  13. Stop stringing him along. Who ever your boyfriend is, talk to him..ugh, girls?! They want their cake and eat it too Get a same sex friend to shoulder cry or talk to your parents.

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