How did you accept the fact that you are not beautiful?

  1. I would suggest taking care of your health, helping others and engaging in hobbies which makes you different or stand out and happy. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways, its not just about beautiful faces but beautiful heart and soul too🩷

  2. Not only does beauty fade, but it’s also subjective. It’s cliché but it’s true. There was a quote I read a while ago that said something like “flowers are beautiful, but so are fairy lights, and they look nothing alike”. Guaranteed, whatever you find pretty or beautiful, there **will** be someone who strongly disagrees with you.

    You need to find beauty in the things that you *are*, rather than the physical features you have. And as I said, beauty fades – people around you will find you more endearing if you are kind, dependable, and trusting, rather than if you look good.

  3. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I’m not physically attractive aka socially attractive but that’s called genetics. Not my fault. What I can do is now to be beautiful inside. Be kind, be generous, be hard working , give back to society when needed

    Society focuses too much on a woman to be pretty, hot, sexy nd what not. Life is more than that. Take care of yourself go to the gym or salon, get your hair done, and work really hard as you have every right to feel beautiful irrespective of what people say , but you have a duty to make this world more beautiful by staying beautiful inside.

    This took a year to realize but it changed my perspective of life.

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