Usually when my bf and I have sex, I start out in pain/he cant get in for a while. Then he gets it in, it hurts, then I feel numb, then I feel pleasure, then it repeats. It feels like a small-medium cut that keeps being rubbed. After sex I’m usually sore, not horribly but somewhat, and a lot of the time he injures himself pretty badly during sex because there’s too much friction (his words). He finishes easily and I almost never do. He got a rash a few times from ‘friction’ (doctor said this).

I like pain, to an extent, so who cares about that. The numbness though is an issue. Lube does not seem to help because then I just feel numb completely.

Whats going on lol? In the past I’ve also hurt my sexual partners

  1. It sounds like you and your partner are experiencing some discomfort and difficulties during sex. While pain can sometimes be pleasurable, it’s important to prioritize your overall comfort and well-being. Consider exploring different positions, using more lubrication, and communicating openly with your partner about your needs and boundaries to enhance your sexual experiences.

  2. Tell him to go down on you while fingering. Tell him to spit on it. Roughly 6-8 minutes (exactly) of this and he’ll be right in there.

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