I was 13 when I met him. He was 20. We got together when I was 15. We would sneak around and “have fun” and our relationship was pretty much toxic, Id have to beg for a little time for him to spend with me or to talk to me… he was distant and always “busy” and he wrote down every single thing he paid for me or bought me as a gift. when we broke up he started demanding money back, but it’s just so stupid and he keeps threatening me to sue me, because he has “proof” that he lent me money, but he just wrote down everything he paid (trips, movies, festivals, gas, restaurants, clothes…) mind that I also paid as well, but never asked for my money back. the money I actually did ask him, I already returned.

Is this stupid behaviour or am I tripping? Who’s in the fault here? Can he sue me for this?

  1. Lmao those were gifts and he has no evidence they weren’t. Let him sue and give the judge something to laugh about.

  2. Ok so.
    Don’t give him anything
    Move on though and break contact.

    If he sues you – tell
    Him than everyone will find out he was grooming you.
    And your underage romance.

    This will get him to fuxk off. He’s stupid

  3. He was 22 when he got together with you at 15. If he slept with you before age of consent. Press charges on him or threaten him with it. what he did is grooming and could possibly be a jail sentence for him.

  4. Block him. You might consider going to the police because he’s a predator and groomed you at 13 and is still trying to harass you after you got away from him

  5. He can’t sue you for gifts. He can’t sue you for money he loaned you as a minor. You can’t sign a legally binding loan agreement as a minor. Let him take you to court (he won’t, he’s bluffing). Every piece of evidence he plans to use against you will show the court that he is a statutory rapist.

  6. Take screenshots of his messages to you so you have proof in the future, but otherwise just block him and ignore him. He’s not going to sue you, and no lawyer would take his case anyway. If he sues you, he’ll lose. Move on and forget this loser.

  7. Block him on everything. You don’t owe him anything. He won’t sue you he is just doing this to keep the communication open between you. It’s a form of abusive control.

  8. Let him have fun explaining to the court that he was grooming a minor lol I would block and ignore, he really can’t do anything other than complain. If you’re fearful then get a lawyer involved and sue him for extortion

  9. Let me get this straight. This guy who committed statutory rape is threatening to take you to court for money he believes is owed to him, from you. Which he believes was accrued at a time in both of your lives where he was committing that crime?

  10. If he does try to sue , he would have to admit he groomed and performed statutory rape on a minor and I doubt he wants to be convicted for that. He’s trying to manipulate you assuming he can use your young age against you. I’d threaten to Press charges , even if the age of consent is 15, you can still be charged for rape due to the statutory rape laws with the age gap . I bet he won’t ever threaten suing you again!!

  11. Let him try and sue you. You didn’t sign anything. The judge will probably reprimand him for wasting their time.

  12. First off, he groomed you if you were 13 and then 15 when you hooked up! What is the age of consent where you live? Second, Block him and move on with your life. A gift is just that, what you do with it afterwards is your business. He’s abusive and would be laughed out of court if he tried to sue.

  13. These were gifts. Block this dude from contacting you and move on with your life, OP.

  14. How is he forcing you? What’s the age of consent where you live? Because I’m personally pretty excited for him to nail his own ass when he tries telling a judge he wants a teenager he preyed on as an adult to pay him back for gifts and money he willingly spent to buy sex from her.

  15. Tell him you’ll report him for having sex with a minor if he doesn’t leave you alone

  16. Let him try to sue you and end up in jail for soliciting a minor. Block him and get a restraining order, he is a predator and the only thing you owe him is leaving him in your dust.

  17. Tell him to go ahead and sue you. He does not have a leg to stand on. HOWEVER.

    What’s the age of consent in your country? When he snuck around to ” have fun ” when you were 15 he might have actually been committing a crime.

    Either way, he groomed you. This man is a predator and he’s still manipulating you.

  18. I wouldn’t worry about it. Your ex is a child predator and the court would be more interested in why he was fucking a minor than they’d be with his lawsuit.

  19. Umm…dude was grooming you. Statutiry rape at that age. Ignore him and tell him if he keeps pressuring you, you’ll turn him in for it.

  20. He’s been manipulating you all along to get what he wants. You’ve just finally gotten old enough to realize how messed up he is.

  21. Let him ask the judge for the money back that he spent grooming you. It’ll go over REAL well for him.

  22. Tell him to take you to court. No problem. He can’t win the case for various reasons. Also, there is the small matter of statutory rape which can become a thing. He is bluffing. He knows he can’t take you to court. But he also knows that he has some form of control over you because you were a child when you all started seeing each other. Prove him wrong. Prove to him that he no longer has a say in your life.

  23. Yes you’re tripping.

    He’s not going to sue you. They were gifts, he has no receipts. He’s just threating you. Block him.

  24. He’s bluffing. Unless he’s a moron, he knows he can go to jail for having sex with a minor. Not to mention being (rightfully) branded as a sex offender for life.

    Don’t warn him, just go to the police. It’s too dangerous for you to deal with this on your own.

  25. he’s not going to sue you, then he would have to tell the court he dated a 15 year old at 22 lmaooo

  26. You don’t have to pay him back. The items were gifts. He’s bluffing to mess with your head. Just block him. He does not seem stable.

  27. You really have 2 options.

    1). If you were intimate with him you can tell him if he contacts you again you’ll go to the cops. It’s statutory rape.

    2). You can just block him on everything and call the cops if he shows up in person.

    He’s an idiot and a child molester.

  28. They were gifts. There is no need to pay him back.

    Also, you aged out. He’s a predator. Who preys on vulnerable children.

  29. Don’t you dare give him any money. Tell the people closest to you that he’s threatening you. And make sure you tell him that if he doesn’t leave you alone, you will tell the cops and anyone who’ll listen that you were 15 and he was 22 when you all got together. He’s just trying to scare you and bully you, hoping you don’t know any better.

  30. Everything about this is illegal and abusive. Don’t just ignore him. Report him. He is/will be doing this to someone else.

  31. I say let him! What an idiot. Don’t allow him to blackmail you. Go to court. He’ll be laughed out of court. Such an idiot.

  32. He cannot sue you for gifts he’s voluntarily given you. Just because he has a record of purchases (maybe cash withdrawls, if he ever gave you straight cash) but there’s no proof anything was done as a “loan”. Even if he tricked you into signing something that says you’d pay back all money he’s spent on gifts, I doubt any judge would entertain it… considering he’s a disgusting groomer, which you do have proof of.

    Tell him you’ll report him for raping you when you were a child…. because he’s did. You have his balls in a vice and he doesn’t even realize it. You can ruin him FOREVER. Don’t let this dude bully you. Involve the police if he keeps harassing you. Tell them how he groomed you.

  33. Screen shot those messages and block him. No, he can’t sue you for gifts. Especially, when you weren’t even legally an adult for half the stuff. He sounds like a loose cannon, hopefully hes just all talk, but you might need to file a restraining order if he starts showing up in person. If so, don’t answer the door.

  34. OP, try asking this in r/legal r/legaladvice

    Beyond that he can’t sue you. He will be laughed out of court. Besides a minor can not legally enter into any contract. This means, a minor can’t legally sign any type of contract.I’m sure you never signed anything that said in the event of a break up, you’ll pay back for blah blah or payback xx amount of dollars right?

    He has no case and will be laughed outta court.And if he does insist, go ahead and press charges for child molestation, charges for having sex with someone that was not of the age of consent, and if he has any spicy pics he took of you, he can be charged with child porn as well.

    The relationship was definitely toxic. Please go get therapy. Block him and move forward. You deserve better and in time you will find it! 💯

    Good luck


  35. He can’t sue you for gifts, he CAN go to jail for statutory rape, maybe remind him of that.

  36. Honey tell him to sue you for all you got but just don’t forget to mention that you were WELL under age when you guys were “ just having fun” also you can’t sue for things you have gifted tell him to kiss your ass on a hot summer day in the south after wearing leather pants

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