I’ve always been curious as an American, because most American men expect girls to be fully shaved down there, and most girls do it.

Curious how that may be different in Europe, and in your specific country?

  1. Swedish man: Not my business to decide, but I personally do not eat hairy beef. Just like I wash mine for example.

  2. There are 740 million Europeans, so I doubt there is a consensus on this. Some will, some won’t.

    Also hard to judge how different it is from your country or continent without providing any input.

  3. I don’t expect anything at all. It’s not my body.

    And I have no preference other then that she is happy with, and comfy in her own body.

  4. Of the whole is rare and frankly not much appreciated, it seems rather childish. The most frequent thing is various shades between all away and nothing.

    Italy here

  5. This comment section is hilarious. It’s just [deleted] [removed]. Anyway as a gay man I don’t know what the women do. Gay men in general shave. At least the ones I’ve checked lol

  6. Not sure what is happening in this comment graveyard.

    In my anecdotal experience, straight men rarely care. Those who do care usually are very young and have little experience. I know people from both genders who prefer to shave themselves and would want their partner to shave themselves completely too, but I wouldn’t necessarily call that an expectation, but rather a preference.

    Some do, some don’t, some shave only at certain occasions or times, some only trim. Europe contains a wide variety of cultures, subcultures, customs and norms about shaving.

  7. In puberty most girls shave and most boys expect them but after they have some relationship experiences or are older they don’t do/expect it, everybody has their preferences and should be able to communicate tgem with their partner

  8. We don’t talk about it with friends, so I can only speak for myself. I do not expect it, generally don’t care, but if given the choice, prefer fuzzy rather than smooth.

  9. *Expect*? No, unless they’re very young/inexperienced and have mostly learnt about sex from online porn.

    Most women at least do a bit of a trim round the edges, but full baldies are a minority (as I suspct they also are in the USA, when you consider all age groups). It’s more common to get a neat triangle or a strip than hairless. There’s probably a bit of an age profile difference here due to confidence/body acceptance changing as you get older. And of course your pubes falling out when you get older so that takes you right back to being a baldy…

  10. Oc, I can only answer for myself, body hair is something completely natural and as long as it is well-groomed, I have no problem with it at all. My gf expects the same for my body hair.

  11. Few men care. Nobody expects anything. Some women do it, some don’t. Probably the same in the US

  12. I prefer to groom myself monthly, don’t feel too comfortable when it gets too big. But I don’t really care if my lady does it or not, both styles have their charm.

  13. If they’re young and inexperienced and only know sex from 00s porn, maybe.

    But from my experience and personal sampling, it’s not very common. For a few good reasons – Mediterranean hair types don’t do so well with shaving, and being “hairless” is mostly considered akin to being a child, so not particularly attractive.

  14. I don’t date women but I am a woman (end thirties now) and I have a lot of female friends, and most of my friends trim and shave parts but not all. Completely bald happens but is not very common, mainly because it’s really hard to do without ingrown hairs, redness, stubble, etc!

    I don’t know if this has changed for adolescents in the last ten or twenty years. When I was a teenager/twenty something, we did the same as now, and being completely bare was never common in my social circle. It was also pretty much the same when we were hooking up vs. being in a longer relationship. We do shave our legs less in the winter though XD

  15. I personally couldn’t give less of a shit if the pussy is shaved or not, tbh. Both are hot in different ways. I really don’t know what other guys expect/prefer.

    That said, all the girls I’ve dated have been very neatly trimmed or completely shaved in the beginning, when we started having sex, so *they* certainly think that we expect it.
    All the ones that led to more long lasting relationships also *stopped* shaving completely once I made it clear that I don’t care, so I think they’d prefer not to.

  16. I *think* that it is not super common to fully shave, though thinking back, I think I might have at some point? Like very early 20s? I literally cannot remember.

    A lot of people feel that it is pedophilic, though I think that sentiment was not common 15-20 years ago. I have a feeling it might have been more popular at some point?

    Generally, from what I’ve seen/heard, women tend to shave away all the hair that might show while in undies/bikini and all the hair that feels uncomfortable. So there’s left either the “[standard bikini trim](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0532/1428/1883/files/HW_bikini_trend_blog_standard.jpg?v=1641317115)”, a “[triangle](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0532/1428/1883/files/HW_bikini_trend_blog_high_leg.jpg?v=1641317059)” or a “[strip](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0532/1428/1883/files/HW_bikini_trend_blog_french.jpg?v=1641317055)”. Though some triangles/strips can be kinda trapezoid or even square, too.

    IMO, most guys also trim, though some let it all be and some shave it all off.

  17. I don’t really expect it, but so far I don’t think I’ve been with a girl who wasn’t at least very close to shaved. And going through fuzzy memories of other naked women I’ve seen (in my age group so around 20), I’d say it’s a trend.

    I recall talking about this with the boys and coming to a conclusion that it’s not really such a big deal either way, but trimming is nice. I can’t say whether my anecdotes are a good representation of the general population though, I haven’t talked about it with enough people.

  18. In Germany, most women didn’t even shave their armpits until about 20 years ago 🙂

    As I regularly go to saunas, I would say that most people here don’t shave their private parts. Some do, but they’re really a minority.

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