I am an extroverted woman in my mid twenties and I have never had a close group of friends. I have always had friends but I have never been able to fit in with a group, ever since I was a child. I have tried introducing the friends to try to make a group but they never quite gel and I never seem to gel with my friends exsiting friends. I have only ever fallen out with one friend in my entire life, but my friendships fizzle out.

It’s more complicated as an adult as I’m an international student in a country where many people keep the same close friends since childhood. There a lot of international students here but many mostly have close friends from their home countries. At I’m doing my masters and I think I probably know more of my class than pretty much anyone else.

I make new friends and first its great and exciting but they almost never turn into close friends, usually because people always want a group. I am on the outside of 3 or 4 different groups and no matter what I do I just can’t fit in. There’s one particular group where I’m friends with basically all the members and I hang out with them individually but rarely together.

I am very outgoing and I meet lots of new people but usually they don’t introduce me to there friends. Many of my friends who will happily hang out with me for hours in one on one, never invite me to stuff with other people (even though they hang out in big groups). So unless I organize it myself I don’t get to know new people.

I routinely ask 10-15 people to do something at a weekend, I only ask people who I actually know, and generally only people who will seek me out to say hello and chat, I stop if someones says no/ no shows a couple of times. But 90% of the time if I stop, they either say “oh I’d love to come next time” if they find out or invite themselves through another friend. But when I actually hang out with people I think they really enjoy it generally leads to them coming out again with me or 1 or 2 more times, occasionally they invite and then nothing they always say no to plans, these are people who go out 3-4 times a week, so not exactly socially reclusive.

But a few friends of friends, will tag along but never reciprocate, one of whom has been to my house multiple times and asks me for favours and make a big show of thanking the person they came with for organising the night, only for my friend to make clear I did the planning, he often organizes things and has never included me but still expect to tag along whenever he wants (inviting himself via different friend each time).

Another is very polite but still never reciprocates, both talk about plans in front me. I’m happy to meet new people but it’s the same two tagging along almost everytime so I’m not actually meeting new people. If invite them in there own right they say no, they only come if they invited themselves.

Three times I have made friends who’s social circle is welcoming enough and we have enough in common to feel I belong, but then both times they moved away and as soon as they were gone I felt like an outsider.

I’d love any advice you could give, particularly from older women/ people.

1 comment
  1. Maybe you can make a friend group specific to the activity you are interested in doing.

    Say volleyball, for example- find who from your existing friends like volleyball. Invite them all to regular volleyball hangouts or casual games. Or join a casual league and create a team. Then hopefully through this, you will also meet new people who are into volleyball. And everyone is drawn into the group through their mutual interest in the activity. And the regular meet ups for the activity will solidify the group with more time spent together. You can also do things afterward like all get food together.

    This is just an example, it would be the same concept for any given activity. It will definitely take time to build up into a solid group because people usually have a lot going on in their life. But maybe it’s one route to build the group by choosing some kind of common interest that you can meet for regularly, almost like a club.

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