There’s a guy that suddenly contacted me, he just got out of a relationship and out of the blue he contacted me. We used to talk in high school but we went our separate ways. He now wants a relationship with me, and I don’t know what to do

I’m a very freaky dirty girl and I love porn, I like watching it bdsm being watching people be tied up but I don’t actually enjoy sex at all being done to me. So I’ve been sending him pics and making him feel great making out to love sex.

My down there gets tight and narrow anytime a d-ck goes inside it, and the force makes me cry almost in pain. I don’t like penetrative sex at all. I don’t even know how I’m going to cope because he’ll want to try a-al and it’s too tight for anything. When give blowjobs and try to swallow semen a few hours later I feel nauseous. So I started running to the bathroom to spit it out. My past partner obviously viewed this as a turn off. Is there a condition about this? Doctors, should I go?

I don’t know if this has something to do with my religious upbringing. Still secretly ashamed of sex. I was brought up Jehovah’s Witness you see and left when I was 17.

I don’t know what to tell him because I’m sure he will leave me if he finds out. Also I’m not sure if I should just swallow being in pain. There’s a 53M interested in me, and has been for a while now too. But I can’t be with him because I find the age gap too large. The medications I’m on also cause problems with sexual drive. Should I tell be upfront about my issues?

  1. It is much easier to just be upfront in the beginning. Just tell him that right now you don’t want penetrative sex. As for swallowing, you don’t have to let him cum in your mouth in the first place, when he is close then stop sucking, finish him with your hand and have him cum on himself, or your breasts, or wherever you feel comfortable.

    The just out of a relationship is a bit of a flag, I would suggest to take it slow.

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