Physical violence is definitely not advised but what about calling security or casually spilling a drink his way? What would you do?

  1. Look worried and lean closer. Ask him if he had a doctor to look at that because it looks nasty. He should definitely get it checked out. Make him worry so he’ll run to the nearest bathroom to check whatever you’re seeing on his face. Then you quietly make your escape.

  2. If you grab me, I slap you. That’s my rule. It’s legal because it’s self defence if they sexually assaulted you first.

  3. Night club employee here: tell a security guard, preferably a female one if available. Say, “do you have a female security guard I can talk to? Something happened.” This should be an immediate red flag to staff. Bring yourself and a friend. Be polite but pissed, and tell them the situation. If it was me, I’d remove them immediately with another guard.

  4. Turn around and punch them as hard as you can and start screaming your head off that there is a pervert assaulting you.

    Security is called and they get 5 shades of shit kicked out of them whilst being chucked out of the club.

    Is there another way?!

  5. Make a scene. Loudly announce that this man has just assaulted you so that A: he is publicly embarrassed and B: security can then immediately kick him out

  6. One time I grabbed a guy’s ass back and took his wallet.

    I don’t think he learned a lesson but I got like 60 bucks out of it.

  7. I moonlight as a bouncer, just tell us what’s happened and they will be escorted out, standard procedure.

    We can they call on the town link radio and they won’t be let in anywhere else in town.

    UK based

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