I was watching some porn just now and I was blind-sided by the fact that while this guy was giving backshots he punched his partner’s ass.

Do y’all do this ?? Is this a common thing during sex, cuz all I’ve seen is spanking, kissing, holding arms back, and the like. Never in my life have I seen someone punch ass during sex.

No disrespect to those who do and enjoy this, but it just caught me way off guard when I seen it happen. Anyway, I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

  1. > Is this a common thing during sex

    No. Not common. But as far as kinks go, it doesn’t sound *that* unusual either.

  2. I have punched many asses. I have cosplayed Floyd Mayweather on asses. I have Jackie Chan drunken mastered many an ass. But I only do it if the person attached to the ass explicitly says they love getting their ass beat up. So yeah, lots of people love getting their butt knocked out. Just a natural and thuddier escalation of spanking, which his not even considered weird these days.

  3. Lmfao this is as far from common as wanting to wear pig ears and oink during sex. Is there someone out there doing that? Yeah probably.
    But it’s still effing weird. I’d probably report a dude to the cops for punching me in bed lol

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