Surely I cant be the only guy who doesn’t like flirtatious attention from any woman except the one I’m with or courting?

I had an ex acquaintance who, after I got out of a relationship assumed I’d be suddenly open to sexting/dirty talking with her. Just because I was single. Uh, no? Wtf?

Compared to most people who are open for whatever when they’re single, I feel I have a stick up my ass lol. Because I’m the exact same with women whether I’m single or taken. Stay in yer fockin limits

I have friends who “harmlessly flirt” with each other, and good for them whatever makes them happy, but don’t do that horseshit with me.

  1. I’d say that I was against this when I was being nice to my next door neighbor’s girlfriend when she passed out drunk one night. I helped her into the bathroom and checked on her.

    Anyways, she was really hot, and her boyfriend was really big, like outweighed me by 100 pounds of muscle.

    After that night she started flirting with me by offering to make me dinner. I just took it as her trying to get my ass kicked to see if I’d step over that line. Maybe she was dumb, but I’d assume the former.

  2. If the girl is single, and I’m single, then I can play along even if I’m not interested in her, as long as touching is not involved. But if either of us are seeing someone then that’s a big NO NO for me. I had 2 instances where girls were committed but wanted to flirt with me, I just felt disgusted.

  3. That kind of stuff makes me extremely uncomfortable. It makes me feel so “male.” It makes me pretty sad tbh

    I try to make it abundantly clear to people that I’m not interested in that kind of stuff. Partly because of that, some people assume that I’m gay lol. Whatever

  4. Usually I would think that the golden wedding ring on my hand is deterrent enough- but I am disturbed by the amount of women who do not care at all.

  5. I’m uncomfortable because I can’t flirt whatsoever. So I just end up looking extremely stuck up or very disinterested.

    It’s not a problem that comes up, though. Women don’t flirt with me. Sometimes they do over text on dating apps. That’s when I know it’s time to move on because I’ll ruin it.

  6. Girls think I’m rude when I don’t flirt with them back. I’m not rude, I’m just not interested, but their egos won’t have it

  7. Yeah, god helped me out in that department and it has been very very successful till now.

  8. The majority of women (and one guy) that flirted with me aren’t people I’ve ever been interested in. It’s that simple.

  9. well. it has only happened once or twice. I didnt realize what was happening and my gf at the time had to point it out

  10. Bold of you to think we’re attractive enough to have women give us attention without us first initiating bro.

    Can’t say I’ve ever had this issue lol.

  11. You guys are getting flirtatious attentions?

    But seriously, even if I was in that situation it’s not that I wouldn’t like it, but I wouldn’t *trust* it, if you get what I mean.

  12. The same reason women don’t like it. I’m married. I work in healthcare and had a patient tell me everyone at her office wants to be seen by me bc I’m the “hot” doctor. It’s uncomfortable. I’m happily married. I’m here to pay for my personal life I get to check in with in depth twice a week. Leave me alone.

  13. I’ve stopped going into clubs and pubs because of this.

    I had a girl grab my ass and try and flirt when I was at the pub with my girlfriend. Who was standing next to me.

    I have been groped and had too many bad reactions from me rejecting some drunk girls’ advances to want to spend the time going out anymore. I stick to normal restaurants now.

    Now, when a girl idk starts off being flirtatious, first it is a complete turn off

  14. I do get some enjoyment out of the times it happens. It’s flattering but I will say I’m naturally suspicious and uncomfortable if someone comes at me full speed. I feel like this is more common than not enjoying the attention at all. like who are you? Lol I prefer a more friendly vibe first.

  15. Understand you’re asking guys on Reddit who don’t talk to girls if girls flirt with them…..

  16. *”Men who don’t like flirtatious attention from women, what’s been your experience/challenges being this way?”*

    Hey OP, this question doesn’t make any sense considering that the vast majority of men don’t receive *”flirtatious attention from women”*.

  17. I either don’t pick up on it at all or get visibly uncomfortable. And when they see I’m uncomfortable, they will do it more. One regular customer used to do this. It was a power thing for her, as she got off on making guys squirm. Didn’t help that I’m a pretty quiet person, so she singled me out whenever she came in.

  18. Personally I don’t have that issue if the girl is single. But if she’s trying to gain something from me then I’m good bro. No need.

  19. I am a woman and I am very naturally playful and flirty. No expectations, however. Most of the guys flirt with me back and the vibes are good, but sometimes I encounter guys who don’t do this. I just assume they are taken, still it’s a weird thing to me.

    Do you feel uncomfortable when people flirt with you playfully or you just have some other reason for that?

  20. This is a topic that most women either don’t think about or are absolutely completely ignorant of. Guys get hit on too and it is just as annoying for a guy to be hit on by some random woman as it is for women be hit on by random guys.

    Unwanted attention is unwanted attention. Period. It doesn’t matter what your gender or sexual orientation is, if the person you are hitting on doesn’t want the attention then you need to stop, apologize, and back the hell off.

    This is something that a lot of women would be surprised to find out happens quite a bit. Pretty much every guy I know can tell you stories about being out with his wife/girlfriend/significant other and being hit on by some random woman (or women) who are either drunk, horny or some combination.

    The woman who won’t take no for an answer.

    It doesn’t happen to every guy, but it does happen and some guys who are very handsome, attractive, etc. get it more than other guys.

    Even if he’s out by himself, some guys will have this happen to him.

    Women may think it’s “harmless flirting” but it is sexual harassment plain and simple.

    It’s wrong. Stop doing it and when you see it happening, call the perpetrator out.

    Sexual harassment is sexual harassment and should never be tolerated or excused.

  21. The thing I find enfuriating is that as soon as I am in a relationship the number of women hitting on me skyrockets

  22. The great thing about being oblivious to flirtation (oh she was just being friendly!) is.this has never been an issue for me.

  23. I only ‘hate’ it because I have to wonder if she’s being genuine or if she’s just doing the ‘flirt with him so he gets excited but feign ignorance when he actually acts on it’ which woman love to do to guys like me.

  24. Generally I don’t actually mind. Even if I am not interested it is a nice ego boost.

    However, there are times and places I DO mind. The place I hate it most is at the office. I don’t shit where I eat, but that’s not enough. It’s important to also not be *perceived* to be shitting where you eat because in the end it amounts to the same thing. When a woman flirts at work, *other* people notice and that’s how rumors start. It’s just irresponsible and can put me in a bad situation through no fault of my own.

  25. > don’t do that horseshit with me.

    ? It’s horseshit only after you told them they are crossing boundaries, or stated you are uninterested

  26. We don’t wear rings and so women and men flirt with my husband all the time. He tends to be gracious but does comment on how easily women touch him on the arms chest or back, and that he would never feel comfortable doing that if he were single. He says gay men are generally flattering except for the old ones who lead with how rich they are and are persistent. When he was younger and working in bars he always came home and told me right away who flirted with him, as if he really thought he was supposed to. It was adorable, actually. “Green eyed Indian girl showed up again tonight. Wow, does she have a filthy mouth.” I always felt like playing it cool was smarter than getting jealous because he felt like he could talk to me about it.

  27. Doesn’t realy bother me. You either reciprocate that attention if you’re interested or you just make it clear it’s not reciprocated. You don’t have to take everything just because it’s s being offered. It’s nice that some women are prepared to openly admit their interest. Would be nicer if it was always the case. Just politely decline. She’ll respect that stop trying If she’s normal and adjusted. Hell If you don’t make your feelings clear then you’re wasting time she has that could be better spent on another guy she might also have an interest in. Stop letting her waste her resources and time on you and just say no

  28. I don’t mind the flirtatious attention from women at all, but I won’t reciprocate it because I’m married.

  29. I’m not interested in being shamed online or disciplined at my job. So no , I don’t enjoy flirting, because I expect it to go sideways eventually, so I don’t start.

  30. After rejecting some girls for a 3some. They got really defensive and insecure. “Is it me? Or “ do I look gross”. Had another girl start shoving me for rejecting her advances. Glad to say I dodged a bullet there

  31. my friends love to do this because they know i wont react to it (i am not attracted to them). i just accept that they are doing whatever they can to maintain their sanity and gently redirect. women are more physically vulnerable than men so they need to be more cautious about being flirted with whereas i dont have that problem so its easier to just let it slide. the only time its a serious concern is at work, where i have to be extremely direct about the limits of my role in their life.

  32. I get perceived as shy, timid, weak, scared, sometimes even gay. For example, my friend was telling a girl that I have a lot of co workers who flirt with me and like me. She was unimpressed she immediately responded to my friend “okay but what does he do with all that?” He just stood quiet. “Exactly” she said. Like because I’m a guy and girls flirt I feel like I have to make a move or something but I don’t and it kinda hurts my confidence and self esteem because people start looking at me a different way.

  33. My experience is women dislike when they are turned down or their moves are not working. Generally they get mad then ask or imply i must be gay.

    Honestly i don’t really care anymore. If a woman flirts i ignore it and what happens happens, i have things i need to get done.

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