For me it’s Beyoncé. She’s a good singer but honestly was kinda annoying in Destiny’s Child cause of her dad being her manager boosting her ego.

  1. Any bulgarian celebrity. THEY ARE ALL THE FUCKING SAME. Literally. Google Bulgarian female stars, especially in music, they’re all the damn same. Everything is plastic surgery and artificial. Disgusting walking things. They aint people anymore… I hate body alterations so much… And due to most ‘celebrities’ here having some tuning done to them every other bulgarian girl has followed right behind – made their lips bigger and a shit ton of other face lifting… It’s genuinely repulsive to me.

    There’s a thing called natural beauty and its nearly dead in this country. Sorry for the rant you just reminded me why I dislike every bulgarian ‘celebrity’…

  2. Tom Cruise.

    I hear so much about him being so attractive or such a great actor (Which honestly, he isn’t.) and for some reason, it excuses him from being a narcissistic Scientology peddler.

  3. Billie Eilish; she complains about men commenting on her body and promotes the body positivity movement – but then shames men for their bodies. She’s honestly such a disgusting human being.

  4. Drake. All his music sounds the same due to his lyrics, composition, topics, and approach has never evolved.

    I wouldn’t say I can’t stand them but Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, SZA, Doja, and Ariana have some good songs/albums. But I don’t think their music is that good.

  5. My sisters love Taylor Swift… I don’t get it.. Like I don’t hate her or anything. But I just don’t get the hype. I listened to her music a few times, hated it..

    I have liked other similar style songs.. So yeah. Just her, I don’t understand..

  6. Beyoncé. I don’t have anything against her, but I just don’t understand how and why women worship her. She’s a singer, not a saint.

  7. Taylor Swift. I don’t understand why she’s treated like the second coming or why she has all these conspiracy theories around her. Apparently people thought she was gay?

  8. In school i didn’t get how they liked biber. He was clearly a asshole with his head up his ass. If a normal guy acted like that they would hate it

  9. really didn’t wanna say this but, Taylor Swift. I just don’t get the hype in general, I tried listening to her re-releases but there aren’t any significant changes at all and people are sooo damn overreacting to it like take it easy dude it’s not the end of the world haha

  10. None that I can really think of. I think it takes to much effort to go from dislike to “can’t stand” some we control so much of the media we consume.

    Don’t really understand all y’all complaining about singers. I’ve yet to see a single name on this list that doesn’t have at least a couple bangers.

  11. Cardi B, She admitted to drugging men to then steal from them and she didn’t get any punishment.

  12. I don’t get the hype about most pop music, but why people get so mad about Taylor swift is weird to me. I don’t dislike her music, it’s just not something that stands out

  13. I don’t have anything against Taylor Swift, but I don’t get how her fans are so damn obsessive about her. It’s like Beatlemania level fandom.

  14. Chris Brown. Dude is an awful human being yet somehow is able to just keep being famous and loved by legions of women. Even after we all saw what he did to one of the world’s most beloved pop stars.

  15. Pete Davidson, Drake and Ed Sheeran.

    Nothing against Ed Sheeran personally. He’s a sweet dude, but his music being blasted 24/7 has ruined his voice and music for me.

    The other 2 are just social climbers with incredibly mediocre talent that have billions of dollars pumped into their brands. Drake lied about being a gang banger to live (grew up in a upper middle class home.. in Canada).

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