(i’m 18F, he’s 17M)

so there’s this guy who’s friends with my university friend group and he sometimes comes to our table at lunch time and talks with them, a few weeks back we were all together in the dorm halls and he asked me if i was angry and i was like ?? (i have resting bitch face but i was purposely kinda laughing because that’s what i do to seem more approachable when i’m with people, specially those who i’m not familiar with)

i’ve always been self conscious about it so i kept thinking about what he said for the next days, it upset me but i wasn’t interested in him yet, i just felt ridiculized because i know he meant it and i don’t like having a rbf

now when he comes with us and i laugh (again mostly purposely to seem kinder) he’s like “ooh it’s the #th time i’ve seen you smile!” and we just laugh a bit, he also stares at me sometimes which makes me uncomfortable because he doesn’t say anything, he just looks at me

the other day one of my friends told me that he (this guy, not my friend) is into me (it was kinda obvious but he also said i look angry so i was confused) but i’m apparently his second option because he’s been into this other girl for some time (she has a boyfriend and doesn’t like this guy tho)

he’s really cute, but i just didn’t think about him that way because i thought we weren’t in the same league, turns out i have chances with him so i’d like to try taking to him but the thing is that because our only interactions are awkward i feel kinda intimidated to talk to him or say hi when i see him and i’m not with my friends

the only time we’ve “talked” being alone was one day when he was at the front door of the building and i was going out, he stared at me and i asked “why do you always look at me like that?” and we laughed but nothing more happened

for personal reasons they don’t let him go out at night so i don’t think they’ll make an exception for halloween, which is when i was thinking of talking to him after drinking a bit (so i’m not as shy)

i have no idea what to do but i have been thinking about him all weekend and i just wanna get closer to him and don’t know how (because if there’s no alcohol involved i’m super shy and awkward 🙂)

we do follow each other on insta too but i don’t think i’m brave enough to like his stories

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