What are some things (can be personal or just have to do with the other person) that might make you uncertain about dating a good woman?

  1. Well it has to either be incompatability or just my personal choice to not date. The latter can either be motive or feeling that I’m not on the level I want to be to give myself to that woman.

  2. What’s your definition of a “good woman”? Maybe what I’m looking for you’d label a “bad woman”.

    I hate casual observers saying stuff like “Why’d Johnny leave Sally? She was such a good wife!” Yeah, in public. You don’t know. She could have been a terrible wife in private.

  3. Excessive placating. Edit: I just can’t value someone who goes along with everything I say. Doesn’t feel genuine/real and hence meaningless. Roleplaying this dynamic in the bedroom is cool. But outside of it, I need her to be her own person and have the courage to voice it

  4. Dislike of certain animals (dogs, cats, etc). Even a dislike of bugs is a turnoff. Bugs are such beautiful creatures, and such amazing indicators of life & ecosystem health!

    I had a relationship that was pretty good, but she told me she didn’t like bugs but respected my love of them. I began to see her differently. It wasn’t the only thing that made me breakup with her, but it definitely had an effect.

    Another girl said she didn’t like dogs. I never got past the first date with her lol

    Another girl said her favorite thing to do when she travelled somewhere new was to go shopping. It sickened me. Haha I’m pretty judgemental i guess

    But I am engaged to an amazing woman now. She loves all animals and animals love her. She appreciates bugs (not as much as me, but that’s a tall order). And she would rather hike, ski, swim, or pretty much do anything other than shop. Love her.

  5. If my family doesn’t like her, or she doesn’t like my family

    I would trust any member of my immediate family, and many members of my extended family with my life. If they see a red flag I didn’t noticed, I would take it extremely seriously

  6. Same answer I always give to these types of questions

    Any anti male statements whatsoever. As a man; it’s off-putting, and I don’t care if they say, “Not you, though. You’re one of the good ones” as if I should be honered I past their test or something

    And I really don’t give a rats ass about their past trauma. That’s their own personal issue. Not mine, and I don’t want it planted on me like I’m their therapist and told that’s somehow now my “duty” to fix their warped outlook in life or on me just because I’m male. Not at least I actually bulid a real emotional connection with them, or a bond is established.

    I remember on Tinder matching with a woman who had a bio saying, “I think all men are assholes. Be the one to prove me wrong, ” and I immediately unmatched because red flags right away, and I felt disgusted at not only her misandristic attitude but how self-important it came across. I don’t expect a self respecting women to be into men who would say that shit about women. So why should I find it attractive?

    That’s like me applying for a job online and in the application description saying, “I think all employers are assholes. Hire me to prove me wrong” and expecting the company to think “Im not an asshole. DUH I know, I’ll hire him to prove it” 🤣🙄. So stupid.

    Good woman…. someone who isn’t an bitter angry asshole who thinks men owe them something. 🤷‍♂️

  7. No good (or bad) woman would ever want to date me, so if in the one in quintillion chance a woman did want to date me I would immediately say no to her, because it would inevitably be a scam of some kind.

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