Firstly I just wanna put aside any emotional hate towards me as you could argue you should never be in a situation where you are really invested in two people.

First things first, I am single and so are both girls.

When me and my Ex broke up, I was still deeply in love with her. Summer passed and a girl within my friend group who I have always found attractive pretty much confessed her feelings towards me. As I said, I have always found her physically attractive but have subdued any more feelings due to being in a relationship.

We have been talking recently, and have slept together and she only looks for long term relationships. Something to point out as I have known her for three years and seen her in relationships, she has extremely bad attachment issues due to her family situation. She will gravitate and grapple onto someone instantly and will commit to them unless that person asks them to leave. Despite this, I have developed a deep connection with her and have fallen.

In terms of personality, I prefer my ex and in terms of physical attractiveness I prefer this current girl. Both are lovely and I can see a future with both either way.

My Ex has recently hit me up during this period of us just sleeping together saying she wants to talk and make things work. This has retriggred the love I had for my ex and now I really do not know what to do.

We broke up on extremely fine terms and the reason we broke up has apparently been addressed on her end and would like to talk to me about it.

It is a more complicated situation than I can explain here but I really like both girls.

Both are extremely loyal and wanting forever, they dont know ab eachother of course as I havent been in contact with both at the same time. I can see equal futures but with different directions.

The current girl is emo and enjoys the same music and hobbies as me

My Ex is more compassionate and understadning.

They both have flaws and positives.

Any advice?


Edit: Although you could argue I am not over my ex, I still am to the point of moving on to a new girl and enjoying my time with her. I just cant help now but to compare them.

1 comment
  1. Dude, you’re in a classic case of the grass being greener on both sides, but here’s the deal – you can’t have your cake and eat it too, so pick one and stop playing emotional ping pong before you end up alone with your Spotify playlist as your only companion.

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