Quick Backstory: I (21m) started using Bumble, matched with a girl (22F) and we had a really great conversation. Full sent it and asked if she was down for a casual dinner. She said yes! But now I’m stressing cus I don’t really know how this cookie crumbles!

Any pointers? Whats kind of expected/view bad? (I’ll be fine holding up a conversation)

Also, not trying to take her home/goto her place. Just wanna get to know her better in person!

  1. Just have a nice dinner, that’s it. No need to overthink it. Most women won’t go to a house after just a first date.

  2. Congrats! Hope it goes well for the both of you! Ask her questions, learn about her passions and what she loves. Be a good listener and
    demonstrate that you really heard what she said.

    I trust you’re a gentleman, so just be respectful, have fun, and don’t make any arrogant comments or turn every conversation back on yourself. (Not saying you will, I’ve just had that happen on past dates and it immediately made me lose interest in them).

    Again, good luck! Enjoy your time with her.

  3. Since you asked her out, you need to pick up the check… are you picking her up too?

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