It feels like I jumped offf a plane. There has been some sexual tension between us, very implicit. I wasn’t sure he was being flirty or friendly but today while studying together, I couldn’t stand it. The tension. I had to do something about it. So I asked him..”do you want to go on a date with me?” He smiled and said yes. I must be nuts, I don’t know what possessed me. I told him I have an exam coming up in 2 weeks.., and we’ll go after that. But I am freaking out, i feel like that was totally crazy of me. And I am scared. But he’s kinda cute. Omg, I need to scream into my pillow

Edit : PLEASE drop some date ideas below, I don’t have much dating experience. What would be okay for a not very outgoing and non alcoholic person?

  1. Finally a post from someone who behaves like a normally functioning human being. Good job, sis. I hope you guys have an amazing date and good luck on your test!

  2. Bowling, coffee, apps and drinks, do NOT go to a movie or invite/go over to his place….not on the first date at least. As much as you think you’re having a good time. Save it for the third date

  3. Congratulations! Ah to be young again.

    But seriously, date idea will dependent a lot on age, how much you can spend, and where you live.

  4. I asked my now-fiancé out, and I was also the one to hit him up first. Retrospectively we both agree it was super out of character for me as I’m normally more shy and introverted, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Go with your gut, OP. And, if you’re like me, hit ‘em with a “we aren’t dating? You never asked me out?” Every once in a while

  5. It’s pretty natural to be freaking out, don’t worry about that. I’d recommend going to an arcade

  6. Awesome! Personally I think a nice restaurant is the best place for a first date since food is the way to the heart lol. Seriously tho, good food lifts the atmosphere. I would also go for sth more crowded (unless that makes either of you uncomfortable) to feel more secure and less awkward.

  7. You seem like a person who knows what she wants. That’s great. This guy has an angel looking out for him. Where to go, try a short hike, go to a park, and walk around.
    Grab a bite at your favorite restaurant.
    Good luck.

  8. so cool! Had someone at work mention how they asked the guy they are dating out tooo. She said she totally freaked about it later ’cause it’s scary to ask someone out. I totally get that. Good for you OP!

  9. Dinner or one of those “pay to paint” places or pay to pottery places. Or blowing glass. Or Bingo (bingo can be hectic).

  10. Well seeing that its coming to fall maybe ask him to go for a walk in a park, or roller skating. Both are good options.

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