Also, how is it going?

  1. Hair treatments don’t work and shaving your head is surprisingly attractive for women.

  2. Any suggestions people have for thinning hair? It’s been a stressful past few years and I’ve noticed my hair isn’t as abundant on top as it used to be.

  3. I shaved my head at 22 years old, I suddenly got approached more by women, even my girlfriend that was against it is now a fan and tells me I don’t need to use finestride or minoxidil because I look better bald

    I do however use fin and min as I want to have the ability to grow hair if I’ll ever want to.
    So far its working pretty well, 3 months on it and I already see a bit of improvement

  4. At 25 I decided that it’s better to be bald than balding and started shaving my head. I look really good. Most men do bald. I never regret that decision. Now even when I have the possibility to do the graft surgery, I don’t want to as I enjoy myself as I am.

  5. Wisest thing I ever heard was that if Jeff Bezos is bald, it means there’s no fighting it. My Dad’s been using that Nioxin stuff for 10 years and he’s thinning like crazy. Time comes for us all, friend.

  6. My advice is that if you’re bothered by your hair loss then hop on the necessary treatment ASAP.

    I noticed minor recession at 22. At 25 it was still very minor, but I thought it was getting a little bit worse so started taking finasteride.

    I haven’t really given it much more thought in the years since. Have a full head of hair, life’s good.

    But, to quote Rob Lowe:

    >”And there’s a pill… The first glimmer that a single hair of mine was going to fall out, I was having that stuff mainlined into my veins. And that’s what I did for the next 30 years,”

    That’s what all the models and actors are doing.

  7. Just shave it. Buy a Panasonic or Braun foil style electric razor that’s able to be used in the shower. I like Cremo shaving cream the best. Perfect hair(or lack thereof) everyday of the year in under 10 minutes. You save money too. Blades get replaced about twice a year.

    I clung to my stupid looking patchy hair for too long. Shave it and embrace it.

  8. Wish I knew I looked good bald… so many years of dread and when I finally buzz it off and turns out I’m Jason Statham (from Wish).

  9. I started balding in college. I was in a town with very hard and harsh water. When I stopped using shampoo on my hair and eventually moved away to a place with soft water. My dry scalp and hair loss slowed down.

    Now I live in NYC where the water is not really very hard. But I also don’t use shampoo. Only time I shampoo is after haircut or I feel I need to.

    I think this has slowed down hair loss for me

  10. That losing your hair isn’t that important. You can be confident without and be more attractive than a man who does have it

  11. I started balding on my crown at 22, I’ve been using rogaine/hims foams and sprays since then. Sadly they don’t bring it back, but they are keeping what I did have. I just use some toppik to fill in the thin spots and you can’t tell the difference. I’ve accepted the fact that it probably won’t last forever though, if and when that day comes I’m not gonna do the bald top look, it’ll get shaved

  12. Go on generic finasteride, the people are irrationally afraid of the potential side effects, they affect 1% of users, and go away when you stop taking the drug even if you do.

    I used to work in TV, I’m not kidding when I tell you the majority of male celebrities are on finasteride or have had some sort of hair transplant.

  13. I fortunately don’t have this problem (early 30s) so far.

    However, a friend was balding pretty badly in his mid-20s. Tried shaving it and he didn’t need me to tell him that it does *not* work for him – looked even worse, by a lot. Some people don’t have the head shape or features or whatever else to look decent as a bald person.

    He went to the doc, got a finasteride script + does the minoxidil thing and he’s got a respectably full head of hair again now a few years later.


    I think the common advice on this sub of “embrace it” can certainly work for *some*. And if you’re losing your hair and aren’t 100% against the idea – go give shaving it a try early, *before* you have no choice and are much further down the hair loss road. and figure out if it works for you or if you want to put the work into trying to keep/regrow your hair.

    Tons of people look better with beards/grow beards – and that’s in large part because the way you grow and style it can change how your jaw/features/etc are perceived. Some people have the perfect jawline without it and the beard just hides it to their detriment. But a lot of people don’t.

  14. I don’t think of it as “battling”.

    What I wish I knew before starting “treatment” was that the psychological effect of “hiding” can destroy confidence.

    I noticed some thinning around 23 especially in my crown. I started using min and fin as well as some snake oil shit to stop it (laser treatment, hanging upside down (insert laugh emoji here)).

    That wasn’t enough so I subbed fin for duasteride (brand name advodart that blocks DHT 1 & 2). Not covered by insurance so this cost about $250 a month (in 2007).

    I also used this freezing hairspray to cover up the thinning on my crown. It worked but as a result of the freezing effect, none of my hair really ever moved and in hindsight, my hair kind of became like a helmet. Rain or wind presented a major challenge for my hair. I’ve never been pepper sprayed before but I imagine it feels similar to that hairspray melting in the rain and getting in my eyes.

    I may have slowed hair loss with all of my efforts but I’m kind of an “all or nothing” guy and still wasn’t happy.

    As one can imagine, doing so much work to hide hair loss had an enormously detrimental effect on my confidence. It was on my mind day and night.

    I lifted like a mad man and dressed well but to no avail. I was hiding a part of myself and no external force could help.

    So I got drunk with one of my bros one day and shaved my head with a 3 guard eventually moving down to no guard over the years. The first day I shaved my head, I went to a bar and hooked up with a rando. Some positive reinforcement. I’ve gotten way more positive attention from women since shaving my head.

    I am much happier and healthier accepting hair loss and shaving my head.

  15. I started noticing I was losing my hair a few years ago. I’m 40 years old. I certainly didn’t want to go bald. I researched the issue and I did something about it.

    I found a hair clinic in my city, spoke with a specialist and they prescribed me finasteride and oral minoxidil.

    I feel that catching and doing something about it before it’s too late is the best method. Preventative care. I was not going to shave my head bald until I had exhausted all other options.

  16. Don’t put Nair on your head. I have to go into work with a chemical burn on the top of my head today. Luckily it’s the weekend and I’m the only one in the office today.

  17. I lost that battle at 23/24… own up to it, shave it off and keep going. Don’t dwell on the loss.

  18. Once I started shaving my head in my 30’s I got attention that I’d never gotten before in a good way. I wish I had the confidence to do it earlier.

  19. Since I have a good looking face, a nice beard, and a normal shaped head, I just shave my head now. Saves me lots of money and I actually feel pretty great about it.

  20. I started getting minor hair loss when I was 18, thankfully it was very slow and gradual loss. The biggest thing I wish I did was recognize earlier that it was hair loss and get on finasteride and minoxidil sooner. Seriously, you have a much better chance at maintaining and even regrowth if you start treatment right away. I think I waited until I was like 21.

    However there’s one even bigger thing: Going to a good barber and getting a good haircut.

    At around 23 my hair stabilized and has been maintaining since thanks to the treatment (I’m 27 now), but I thought at that point my hairline recession had crossed a threshold and just looked bad and no matter how I did my hair it was obvious something was off. I even stopped getting my hair cut because I was ashamed and scared of going to a barber.

    But then one day I got the courage to go to a proper one. Yes the haircuts were expensive, but my god can a good barber work miracles. My hair looks the best it’s been in my entire life, and they know how to cut it to make it look like I’m not receding at all.

    I was seriously considering just shaving my head because I thought my hair was unsalvageable but I’m so glad I didn’t.

  21. I learned that head shavers are a personal preference and you’ll go through several. and it’s better to be voluntarily bald than some sad dude trying to hide thinning spots of degrading carpet.

    Oh also if you shave your head at the same time as buying a motorbike or joining a weightlifting gym no one will bat an eyelid

  22. I’m glad to see some positive stories come from other guys. My hair is thinning rapidly at 28 and I’m hella stressed about it

  23. How little I would care about it after shaving my head. Seemed like such a big decision, after an ineffectual 2 years of minoxidil and finasteride. I honestly looked way better when I had all my hair, but bald is better than balding. Bald is just neutral on me, neither good or bad.

    Now I can focus on things that will have much more of an impact on my appearance

  24. Ive been fairly spared
    But i habe 2 friends (aged 26 and 29) and they are both bald now because of stress.

    So i besides all tips here woud also say work on managin your stress.

  25. I knew since a young age this would catch up at some point, so along the years I would eventually go bald just to see how I would look like.

    After bariatric surgery my hair just stoped growing completely, and that was it. I do like myself bald, and to be honest, not having hair is much more convenient. You start to worry less about stuff, at least it was my experience.

  26. Start early, and use two treatments. Look at the laser treatment with a topical treatment (rogaine). Two good treatments is better than one. The light helmet does work.

  27. OK first you just gotta accept your fate. Second I just went to see Andrew schulz who proudly claims that he’s always used some drug to help keep his hair, but when it came to trying to have a child the drug can make you have a really low sperms count. Is it true or just for laughs? Wouldn’t want to find out

  28. I wish more people would chime in on the early stages of hair loss. Some of us have experienced a little thinning but are far from going bald. It is still distressing.

    I started finasteride fairly quickly after I noticed shedding and am lucky to have a mostly full head of hair still. I’m probably the only one who would notice that my hair has thinned at all. But I’m extremely self-conscious about it and always have my hair styled perfectly and hair sprayed to keep it in place.

    I really want to find a way to regrow hair to get back to full thickness, but I’m almost completely certain that I’m not a candidate for transplantation. I’m really scared of monoxidil because I heard it makes hair loss worse before it gets better. I’ve heard of PRP therapy but haven’t heard many people talk about their experience with it. I heard about a light helmet recently and am curious if that could do anything.

    I would love to hear some advice about hair loss that isn’t “shave it all off” lol

  29. I suffer from hair loss . It was self doubt and confidence killer . I would gently wash my hair and buy special shampoo.
    Multi vitamin and biotin and rogaine. One day I got really piss off my head . I shave to tell you , it was like the weights have lifted off my shoulder . I felt as like as a feather . I would say embrace it

  30. my only regret is not starting sooner. i noticed some minor thinning at 21 and hopped on treatment right away. it’s been almost a year and my hair has never looked better.

    guys, take a picture of the top and back of your head from time to time. if you have even the slightest doubt you’re thinning, go to a derm ASAP because if it thins to the point where other people notice first, you’re probably too late.

  31. Ugh I started balding when I was 22, badly receding at temples, thinning in the back.

    I shaved my head at 26.. and it just didn’t look great because of head shape. My ears looked like they stuck out with a shaved head – it wasn’t noticeable with hair. I really felt like it stole a lot of my 20s from me because I went from moderately good looking to unattractive. I tried to grow out a beard to compensate for lack of hair on the top of my head but it didn’t help much. Thankfully I had a steady girlfriend.

    I decided grow my hair back at 30, had no hairline, didn’t look great but kept it buzzed and looked better than bald on me.

    I saved up all my money for 2 years at 33 and bought a hair transplant, then a year late bought another one. It cost almost $30k. I have to say it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I’m more attractive at 36 then I was in my 20s and I feel a lot more confident.

    Sounds dramatic but I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life in certain ways, people who are just born attractive (or rich) don’t appreciate what they have, but I appreciate it!

  32. Dear idiots who keep posting some variation of ‘shave it bro’. You didn’t read, nor are you actually answering OP’s question.

    Anyway, what I wish I knew before treatment was that the earlier you start, the better the results can be. There is no ‘cure’ yet, pretty much everything that’s released to the consumer is preventative, or for some of the lucky ones, will give some regrowth.

    You also need to look after your health and not just expect the pill or topical to do all the work. Eating healthy and making sure you get all the protein, minerals and vitamins you need will make a difference to your hair quality. It’s not going to regrow it of course, but preventing deficiencies can help stem any loss, and keep it looking healthy.

    Stress levels make a difference. They really do. If you can find ways to mitigate stress, or at least deal with the stress you have better, do it.

  33. Don’t fight it stop trying to hide it do not get caught up in the vicious cycle of hair club for men or products that don’t work. Which by the way is all of them shave it off accept your losses and battle something you can make a difference on. Like being in shape working on the inner you bettering yourself but forget about the hair there will be girls that don’t like it. Girls that like shaved and majority it doesn’t bother either way coming from a guy that started losing mine at 21 was used to getting any girl I went after. I thought this was the end of the world the thing that changed my dating success was me, my confidence. It’s hard but I promise it’s going to be ok. Still single but is what it is

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