I (22F) have been talking to a guy (23M) I met at my place of work. He works nearby and frequents my store, so after a few months I decided to ask him on a date. Things went really well and we had an easy connection. During a conversation we had, I told him that I am looking for something serious, however do not like to rush into things. We’ve continued to talk and see each other since then, it has been just over a month now. Things have been going well and feelings seem to be mutual, but we are both busy with work and he also is a college student.

Well, last night, he sent me a text telling me that he is not ready for something serious, as he is not in a place to start something new with everything he has going on. He also said that he is still hung up on his last relationship which (he initially told me) ended around 6 months prior to our first date. She broke his trust and hurt him badly which was something I was aware of. I told him I understand and apologize if I did anything to make him feel smothered or rushed. I would rather talk more about this in person if that’s okay with him.

Tonight, after I got out of work we met up and talked for about half an hour, as he had to return to work. I let him start the conversation so he could tell me simply what’s on his mind. He said he doesn’t think he can give himself to someone right now. I told him that I don’t expect that of him, especially this early on… He also clarified that it wasn’t anything that I did, but he just realized he’s not ready. I won’t go too far into detail of the conversation, but it went smoothly, and I let him know that I am okay with waiting for him, I just want him to do what’s best for him, but that he doesn’t have to push me away. Tears were exchanged, I tried to save most of mine for when I got home.

While I absolutely understand where he is coming from, I can’t help but feel a little heart broken. He is a really good guy and I was really starting to like him a lot and see him as someone who maybe I could build a future with one day. This doesn’t change my feelings for him, but I can’t let myself stay stuck on someone who is emotionally unavailable. He didn’t give me a very clear answer on whether or not he wanted us to stay in contact, or what it is that he even means by all this. I’m just going to try to go back to how my life was before the day I asked him on a date.

  1. Be glad that he was honest with you. I hope you haven’t had sex yet. You would be feeling worse.

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