I worked with someone i havent worked with and this person happend to talk about their struggles and how bad their life was going and i honestly felt bad. So near the end of our work shift i told the worker that if they need someone to talk to im always available. Its sound cliche and really weird coming from me i dont know its seems cringe and other people heard me saying that and i could hear them mocking me now its kinda making me feel as if i should avoid the person because i dont want people to judge

  1. Is it cringey to offer help to someone who’s obviously having a tough time? No it’s definitely not.

    In general, the whole concept of cringe amuses me. Sure there are universally “cringey” occurrences that pretty much everyone would agree made them feel slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed, but most of the time people calling something cringey is cringey in itself. They are essentially accidentally outing themselves for feeling insecure and desperately trying to acquire some social brownie points to try to bump themselves up in the social hierarchy. It’s not on the same level as being a bully, but much of the motivating factors are the same in my experience.

  2. Not cringe at all. It’s bizarre that people old enough to work a job would bully you for offering. Sounds like they’re just assholes and want you to feel awkward for saying something perfectly normal and compassionate; which is “cringe” on their part and reflects more on them than it does you. Do your best to hold your head high; seeming awkward or uncomfortable will make them feel more powerful and encouraged to keep it going. Go on as normal with the person you offered to listen to, and everyone else. If someone brings it up to you, you could always say, “Could you explain why what I said is funny to you?”

  3. Here’s a tip. It’s cringe when said without context or in the wrong situation.
    The cringiness magically disappears as soon as you genuinely feel you really want to help someone.

  4. It’s a great thing to say to someone, but I would personally add a “Maybe it’s not my place to help, but…” or “I know we’re not the closest of friends, but…”, and maybe you did, in that case, fantastic. I think this clears up any confusion as towards whether you want to help or you want to appear ‘grandiose and benevolent’.

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