Hi all,

I am M22 and am currently in a relationship with F23. We have been a thing for about a year now, but only officially dating for about 4-5 months. I am currently full time in college and she is out of college working. I was head over heels for this girl for the longest time, but ever since we started dating it has not been great.

1. She wants to be around me 24/7. Every moment she is not working she wants to be together.

This causes issues because if I work a closing shift at the retail store I work at, or if I work more than 2 days a week it turns into a huge argument. She doesn’t think I need to work there because my parents have been awesome with helping me paying for stuff.

It’s also an issue because I’m no longer allowed to play video games. It’s not like I ever played them all day, but I like to get on a few times a week at night for a couple hours and play with my friends. If I try to play them now she always says “you don’t want to spend time with me and you don’t like me” even if we’ve been around each other all day.

She also wants me to conform to her religion. Which is another deeper discussion, but I just can’t convince myself that her beliefs are correct.

I also will be graduating from college this upcoming spring with a CS degree. Unfortunately where I live my career won’t reach its full potential because there’s no tech jobs near me. However, she won’t move because she won’t leave her church.

She just wants full control over all aspects of my life, and her excuse is “I like things done in a particular way and when it’s not done like that I freak out.” I feel trapped because I know If I break up with her it’s going to cause her to go into depression and horrible anxiety. As for me I know I will be heartbroken because I really like her, but I just can’t do this anymore. I miss the life I had prior to her.

  1. She sounds like an absolute chore. Nobody should ever be this controlling in a relationship. Please break up with her.

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