Saw this in r/askwomen from u/girlwithacoin

I read the wonderful stories and wanted to know because I’ve been with a girl with a few years. I’m a bit more on the logical side where I think things like I’ve gotten along with her parents. She has a good head on her shoulders. She has her adorable moments. But I don’t think I had a moment where “I just knew”.

  1. I just started seeing a new girl. One evening, we drove separately back to my place. She followed after me in her car.

    My windshield sticker had been expired af for like eight months or something. And sure nuff, I drove by a cop running a speed trap on the way home. And wouldn’t you know, the cop came out to get me. I panicked and took the next right turn, hoping to lose the cop.

    There wasn’t time to coordinate anything with my gf. I just had to hope she knew what she needed to do. And in a beautiful twist of fate, she stopped at the red light without following after me. In so doing, she was blocking the cop from following after me.

    I cut through a nearby parking lot and watched. When the light turned green again, my gf drove through the intersection and Mr. Cop turned on his lights and went zooming down the road in the direction he thought I went.

    I turned back onto the main road ahead of my gf and she followed me home.

    I think that’s when I knew. She instinctively blocked the cop from coming after me even tho we didn’t have time to devise a plan. She just did what I needed her to do and that was that. I think I already loved her. But that specific moment helped seal the deal.

    It was a whirlwind romance, culminating in a bitter divorce with lots of mutual resentment and reciprocal enmity. A truly magical, once in a lifetime experience.

  2. We were long distance lovers when we first met, and always alternated who was driving where. One weekend, it was my time to drive. Thursday afternoon comes, and I start the six hour drive out to her hometown. I literally make it no more than ten minutes down the road when BAM, I got rear ended by someone who failed to stop at a stop sign. Unfortunately, my truck was damaged beyond drivable.

    I got towed back to the auto shop in my hometown, and then walked home. When I walked home, I sent her an AIM (it was 2002), explaining why I couldn’t make it this weekend.

    Hours went by, I didn’t receive a reply, so I called her parents house only to be told she wasn’t available. I was crushed, I thought she was super mad at me. Therefore, I decided to go for a walk towards the Chinese Restaurant in town to get some food and to clear my mind.

    About twenty minutes after I sat down, I feel a hand on my shoulder, followed by a “I’m so glad you’re ok!!” I look up, and there my girlfriend was. She explained, she literally hopped in her car as soon as she saw my message, and hauled ass over.

    After we ate, we changed up our plans, and instead decided to go camping for a few days. During those three days and nights, it confirmed every thought that this girl was indeed a special one.

  3. I was living at a hippie type community in Guatemala and had gone back to America for an event. She needed a little support at the event and I was able to help her, she found me on social media a few weeks later but I was already back in Guatemala. We chatted for awhile and I told her she should come to Central America for fun. She flew all the way down there and subtly convinced me to move back to America near her. 5 years later and we just got engaged.

  4. Honestly.. we just started dating. She wanted to go see where I grew up. I lived 30 miles from any city in a town with less than 400 people. I took her to my favorite fishing and hunting spots. One of my favorite fishing holes down a 3 mile dirt road. She looked at me and said, “I have to pee”. “Darling, were 45 minutes from the closest public restroom, you want to leave now?”. What did she do? She peed in the great outdoors, on like our fourth? date. I knew then, she wasn’t the little city girl I thought she was. We spent hours there just talking.

    I knew then that my puzzle piece was sitting in the grass beside me. Took me a while to actually ask her to marry me. But we’ve been together for over a decade and I couldn’t be happier.

  5. 1. Wasn’t a gold digger. She was making over 3x more than me, moved half of the country to be with me which ment lovering her standard of life a lot, changed her college for me which required a lot of effort.
    2. Her parents/ family was very much alike like mine, good old fashioned conservative family with the same values.
    3. She was the kind of person you just like to have around. Like she enters the room and somehow your mood is instantly better.

  6. *”When did you realize your girl is “your “person”*

    Is this just another variation of the frequently asked”How did you know that she was “The One”?” Question?


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