I noticed that sometimes no one responds to me in the group chat I’m in. I try not to take offense to it but most times I’ll offer conversation to what they say to continue the conversation yet they don’t respond back. It feels like I’m not really important to the group at all like there’s nothing special about me. Everyone else has their quirks people enjoy and love to talk with.

I’m just me I don’t over exaggerate or act syrupy sweet 24/7. I also don’t play fight and bicker. It’s like no one calls me out and tries to interact with me. It’s just the other girls that people like to talk to. Am I not girly or interesting enough to be considered someone to be playful with?

I’m thinking about leaving the group chat it just makes me feel down about myself when no one responds to me even after I try to respond to them. They’re not obligated to of course but it would be nice to see effort. It just feels like they’d rather someone else from the group chat respond to them instead of me. Since one girl said aww it’s been a year since I graduated. I just replied that time does fly by and I graduated three years ago. Then I also said time passes faster being an adult than a child.

No response after that like from anyone. Was I supposed to make a funny quip to be noticed? Or be like omg girl yeah your graduation was a year ago how do you feel 🥺it must be crazy now that you’ve graduated 😝. Idk maybe my words aren’t really connecting to the other person I guess.

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