I’m dating someone new. Long story short, when I cum, I cum a lot. Im just curious if it’s necessary to tell my new partner this becaus ei don’t really know how she feels about cum, I know there are women who don’t necessarily like it.

  1. Depends, it is a little bit of a goofy thing to bring up so if you’re using condoms I’d say the sight of that might be enough to cue her in. But if it’s going anywhere on her it’s probably good to give a heads up. Though I wouldn’t mention it in the middle of coffee

  2. I guess you have two choices, really. Talk to them about it or surprise them with it. Either way is a crap-shoot.

    But they might not actually have ever had someone with this situation, and might not know they like it until they experience it.

    And it’s actually perfectly normal for people to discuss stuff like this prior to having sex during the sexy talk phase, ya know?

  3. just mention it, i don’t think this is that weird. i think they’d definitely appreciate a warning though.

  4. Dependa on how you plan to “finish.” If it’s anywhere near their face? 100% I’d give them a heads up

  5. Yes. Warn partners before sex and warn them when you’re about to pop. Even people who are fans of jizz can get shocked or even put off by copious loads. Most people may want to be prepared for it especially if swallowing or facials are involved. Some people want to be sure to be able to watch it happen. Regardless, let them know. Surprising people with bodily fluids is rarely a good idea. Make sure to have enough tissues/wipes/towels handy to clean up. You know how this goes. We know how hard and how far we usually shoot, they don’t. Managing the mess is important, lol.

  6. I always give a heads up.

    > Just a heads up, I cum a lot and with a lot of force.

    It never helps. They still are completely surprised by it. But at least I can say “Hey, I told you I cum a lot”. Until they’ve been with a man with hyperspermia, they don’t truly understand what “a lot” means.

  7. If you’re going to cum in her mouth, yes, I would warn her. You’re right that a lot of women don’t seem to like cum, especially in their mouth, but even if they do, the quantity in her mouth might be difficult to deal with.

    I’m an orally bi guy whose always had a few straight friends that rely on me for no-drama head and more than a few over the years end up coming to me because they’re sick of women either not wanting them to cum in their mouth or treating cum like it’s dogshit that they don’t want to get on them, so I, like most guys, am not at all squeamish about swallowing but I have had a couple guys who cum in buckets and it’s just difficult to deal with. It can make you choke, it can make you do the “angry dragon” (cum shooting out your nose), and it can just be hard to accommodate, so some forewarning is nice. She can learn to swallow fast or make sure that your head is in her throat where the volume won’t matter, so there are ways to cope, but it’s nice to know in advance. With a guy, such things can often be laughed off after the fact, but a lot of women will get angry and hold a grudge.

  8. If I were in her shoes I would definitely appreciate a heads up beforehand, it’s not weird at all to let her know! 🙂

  9. I have always wanted a partner with hyperspermia! I would say let them know they might be like me and decide to immediately drag you to the bedroom 😂

  10. Tell me you cum a lot without telling me you cum a lot?

    You can tie knots with my ropes?

  11. Dude congrats! That’s hot. I would absolutely tell your partner about it because it’s something unexpected and not really best kept as a surprise unless she somehow randomly slips into conversation that she has a huge cum fetish. Then it might be a fun surprise.

  12. Well with new partners it’s all going I the condom so you wouldn’t have to mentioned anything.

    If you are going to come in her mouth or on her body…the yeah have have a talk before and be prepared for clean up.

  13. Now I am totally curious even as a male… how many tablespoons or cups are we talking about here?! Wowza.

  14. Yes, tell them beforehand and then come prepared with a sex blanket (the one from Liberator is excellent).

  15. Tell her before you have sex. Offer to show her, like masturbate or let her give you a handjob. Or a video if you don’t want to go far before knowing how she reacts. That way she can see for herself how much it is, and if she’s ok with it.

  16. Keep it simple. Pull out the first few times and say watch this. Lay it on the boobs/belly. Let them experience it firsthand in a non-aggressive manner.

    You can warn them, they won’t believe you. You get all clinical about it and it loses the ability to be a semi-kinky surprise.

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