Do they also trigger you?

I’m sitting in a cafe right now. There’s this guy next to me that is sitting like he owns the place. He’s eating loudly, taking up space, and doesn’t care at all about what other people think of him. Like when he came to sit down, he didn’t even look at the people around, if they approve or disapprove of him. He just doesn’t care.

Or when someone is talking about something with so much confidence.. like they don’t even expect someone will make fun of them.

Or when a girl expects to be loved by her boyfriend. Like what did she do to deserve that?

Meanwhile I am hiding in the corner, trying not to upset anyone, being invisible…

They just don’t know. I wish those confident people went through the abuse that I did.

Noone deserves love or acceptance just because they exist. So why do people act like they do?

  1. no offense but this is a really shitty mentality to have, if you think people need to suffer to be able to enjoy anything in life then you’re gonna be alone for a long time. I’m sorry you have trauma but if you hate other people for being more fortunate than you then you’ll just come off as bitter and pessimistic, which nobody wants to be around. everyone deserves to be happy no matter their situation including you, it’s a cruel world out there and people are just trying to make the most of the life they have..

  2. Usually those who aren’t confident or worry about what others think of them are indeed the people who judge others as in this case

    It’s not affecting you so don’t stress about it. Fair play to him and I hope you build you own confidence too.

    Not worth the time of day to be analysing someone like that to be honest😂

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