While me and my partner had a lot of foreplay and we both were very aroused (and it was our first time). I could not insert myself into her. I tried. I couldn’t find the entrance. Even though I tried complete hard to push it inside. We had very dim lights on for the ambiance and she demanded that.
We then resorted to just kissing ourselves all over our bodies and then slept.
What am I doing wrong ?

  1. It happens. Normal. Hold your penis right below the head and gently press it against her vagina from the top and move down. You will find the hole😂 Also use lube. Gamechanger

  2. Brother have you ever unscrewed a screw in complete dark, well you first touch then you make a mental picture of it so the Screwdriver goes in the right direction and you can unscrew the screw even without seeing it.

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