I’m not popular but I have a lot of friends who I’d say I’m close with. And I’m not getting married but I was thinking…how would I choose who’d be my best man.

  1. I chose my most responsible, financially stable friend. The best man has obligations that require planning and coordination, and in some cases they may end up spending a bit more money than the other groomsmen. Pick the most responsible one.

  2. If you’re all good friends and they know each other get everybody together for dinner or drinks and have everybody put their name in a hat and then draw one. Everybody will think it’s great fun and nobody’s feelings will be hurt.

  3. I could not pick between then, so I had two best men. One stood next to me and the other held the rings.

    Then, at the reception, my brother’s wife asked me why I didn’t pick my dad as the best man. I just said I didn’t know that was a thing.

  4. My buddy explained it to me this way

    Your best man should be the guy that would watch out for your family if you die, you should trust this dude THAT MUCH. He’s the guy that would make sure your family is taken care of if anything were to happen to you to the best of his ability. That shit stuck with me

    You might have multiple of those friends, or none, in which case choose the guy that has his shit mostly in order because he has to plan the bachelor party 😂

  5. I’m getting married next year but my son was the obvious choice. I can’t imagine picking anyone else, he’s the best man I’ve ever met

  6. We solved the drama by simply not having a wedding party other than one niece who *really* wanted to be a flower girl.

  7. tons of friends and you’re getting married.. alright fuck off mate no need to rub it in 😭😅

  8. I picked up the one that was least connected to the rest of the group and would get the most satisfaction out of helping.

  9. I chose two. My wife wanted two Matrons of Honor, so I chose two Best “Men” (one was my oldest friend, she looked great in the suit). The other was my best guy friend, and I was his best man too. I did have to pass on some other guys who I wanted in my wedding party but just didn’t have room for. One of them took it really personally, but I knew that he wouldn’t be the best person to have with me on my wedding day, he’s a fantastic guy but isn’t a calming presence. He’s gotten over it since, but it took a few years.

  10. Who’s the most willing, able/available and responsible to handle the duties?

    Who’s going to be good at making an appropriate speech, planning a bachelor party, generally organizing/corralling a bunch of other dudes into order, and being available to help with other wedding things/issues? Who’s going to actually enjoy doing that rather than reluctantly agree?

    You might love all your friends equally but I doubt you think they’re all in an equal position to do that or would all be equally good at it.

  11. I have many friends but only a couple of really close friends who I have known my whole life. It wasn’t hard. The one you speak to and spend time with more than any other. Your closest mate.

  12. *”Those who got married and have tons of close friends, how did u choose who’d be the best man?”*

    Mexican Standoff.

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