So I 24m am thinking about asking out my coworker 26f. We don’t work together much so I’m not worried about ruining some professional relationship. But we still hang sometimes in groups and I’d love to have a plan for what I can say to take a rejection or no so well that things aren’t weird.

I’m not talking about my feelings not being hurt or whatever. But what’s a good walk away professionally line you use?

  1. Don’t date a coworker… literally best advice you can get…
    If it works out, you’ll see each other way too much, at home and at work and get burnt out
    If it doesn’t work out you get to deal with the awkward situation of seeing them every day at work, and potentially cost you your job

  2. I find it easiest when I don’t ask specially “for a date.” Say…” hey im going to xyz Saturday, want to come?” Makes it less awkward, takes the pressure off both of you, and if she’s into she’ll say yes/try and make it happen

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