I’m 27. Using selectra(ssri) 50mg for around 5 years. Tried to drop couple times but my panic attacks returning back while I completely drop it. So I’m kinda need/want to use it.

Now I cut the dosage again as in my previous dropping attempts. Doc told me to drop it in that way before so I’m trying to do the same again.

Like 1full, 1half for 15 days. Then full half. Then half in every 2 days and so on.

Now I completely dropped it but I can feel panic attack will hit me again. And it renders life so annoying so I can’t live with panic attack.

So what I’m gonna ask you is starting now.
I still can’t cum. I can masturbate very well and I enjoy. But I can’t cum during sex. I never been able to while using SSRI. Watching porn also makes me harder and quicker than sex itself. I can have sex around 10 – 15 minutes but then I lost my erection as well. Guys. For God sake. Please help me.

What should I do?

Do I have PSSD curse?(god forbid) I drop the SSRI around a week ago. So is it normal in this case?

Also like I said I’ll probably in need to use it again. What should I do when I started to use SSRI again?

I can enjoy masturbation can I still have PSSD?

This shit is incredibly killer for life quality. So guys please help me.

Thank you.

  1. have you talked to your doctor about a different kind of anti-anxiety approach besides an SSRI? It’s not clear from your post.

    i’ve been where you are except the difference was, I did eventually figure out how to climax despite the effects of the medication but it took me a good 60 to 90 minutes of focused masturbation with porn to get me there. At best, it’s inconvenient and of course, some folks simply can’t get there no matter how much time they put in because of how the medication impacts their orgasmic response cycle.

    But during that time, I was still sexually active with my partner and I just learned to enjoy sex for how good it made me feel and how good it made my partner feel even if it didn’t end with my orgasm. And I think that has really helped me think of sex, in the time since I stopped taking the medication, asthe overall experience rather than just focused on the last part of it

    Don’t get me wrong I like coming. But I found that I could have a entirely satisfying and fulfilling sex life with my partner even on the nights where I didn’t come.

  2. Here was my husbands solution. After he did it once, it seemed to be less of a problem.

    Basically after he did it once, he understood the process it took. It still is not easy, but…

    How did he learn the process? He masturbated for HOURS. Then probably at the 5th or 6th failed orgasm, he kept going and came. It would take lots of lube and lots of porn.

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