Tl/dr: Don’t send your man to go fix another woman’s car. They’ll end up together with a family of 3 kids, the suburban household with soccer games with BBQ’s and shit on the weekends.

I’ll go first. I (34M) got together with the wife (35F) in an awesome rom-com way. My girlfriend at the time sent me, a fairly mechanically inclined person, to help out her “friend” on the side of the road. I knew of this friend, but not seriously or anything to talk about besides like a head nod of a person to say hello to in the store. I’m tryna to say not in my normal life realm.

After fixing her vehicle for 10 min, shes asks if she could buy me lunch to repay the favor and chit chat. I knew where this was headed, and immediately started feeling the air around us. We talked with what was left of her whole lunch hour and then some. As we’re walking out, she turns to me and said, “hey do you want to grab some seafood and shrimp sometime, I gotta go and enjoyed talking, wanna do this again?” I declined saying that I’m with X and shouldn’t even though I just got done telling her seafood is my weakness, I love that stuff. She then gave me the look of the fiery siren, and was like, “I bet she doesnt appreciate your handy skills like I do….”

I broke it off with the ex the following day as I was young man and no one had ever appreciated my skillz like that manner. If you’ve seen me and realize where I’m at on the attractive scale, compliments to me were very far in between at that time in my life, so I was like, “yeah I’ll hitch my wagon to that!” I ended up meeting and marrying the love of my life because of corroded battery terminals.

  1. NGL this made my stomach turn a bit thinking about how she betrayed her “friend” like that. I hope your girlfriend from that time has recovered from this betrayal (from both her friend and from you) and is happy.

  2. I met my wife in 6th grade, and we got shoved together at a Halloween dance where we were both being excellent wall flowers. A couple of years later in 9th grade we started dating, right around the time both our families were catching fire. We kinda adopted all our sibs and did parent stuff with them through college until we settled down and had our own.

    It’s been nearly 30 years now, we’ve stuck together and managed to jump a couple of socioeconomic classes from abject poverty to upper, by trading off our responsibilities with work, school, and the kids. We had four jobs for a while on top of school and two kids.

    We’ve both given up things like career opportunities up to stay together, more than once. More opportunities, that have better conditions arise. We’ve never had a break or opened up to anything. We do like kinky sex, but with each other. A lot of people would probably think we are too codependent, but we like to think of ourselves as a modern interference car engine.

    Now we are in our 40s, have no debts, and could retire comfortably with an income from lots of investements. It’s been a good life, no knowing what’s coming next. We’re really happy, and we did it by ignoring less happy people with shitty popular advice.

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