So yesterday me and my friends (all girls) were supposed to go to a halloween party but the two of my friends are not really friends with each other. One of them let’s call her (M) made other plans with other ppl and only told me last minute which really upset me. Me and my other friend (L) were kind of lost cause we didn’t go just the two of us. I was really sad that day bc me and (M) were already drifting apart and she barely makes any efforts in our friendship so this was the last straw that made me sad. And then i told (M) hey let’s still meet up tonight we get ready as a group in one of our rooms we have fun putting makeup on and then you can go with those other ppl you wanted and me and (L) would go out alone. (L) refused to do that cause she doesn’t like (M) and i was just stuck in the middle cause i really didn’t expect things to be so complicated for absolutely no reason.
I went alone to (M) room initially just to give her my boots that she wanted to wear and also get ready together ( i was also planning to also go back to L room to get ready with her so she doesn’t feel left out). But then when i got into her room i just realized in that instant with the way we were talking to each other that we’re not friends anymore like we used to be. I just gave her my boots and left. On the way back to (L)’s room i met a guy friend that i had also asked to come with us to which he had said ok ( he said it late and if i hadn’t met him he probably would have said no on text). I stayed with him for a bit cause he was playing the guitar and it genuinely made me feel better. But then he asked to go grab something to eat and i did feel like he asked in a non platonic way and then i told him okay but after we have to go party with (L) to which he said ok. I went real quick before going to eat w him to (L) room to tell her but she just said i don’t wanna go anymore. And i dont wanna spend a “half night with you”. I got so mad at her that i feel horrible i was so mad at (M) that i took it out on (L) too bc she also called it off last mjnute ( which is my fault cause i wanted to go eat with my guy friend and she didn’t want to do that ). I was a little selfish in wanting to go eat before the party with that guy but i expected my friend to understand and i didn’t think it was that big of a deal. How do i fix this mess ?

1 comment
  1. Dont fix it, in the future understand that you dont need any one peroson to have at a party. If someone changes their mind about going out, theres no need to be upset, just go without them and have fun

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