What are the best apps for long term relationships? I don’t know how to use hinge because I only have like 2 matches per day and no one talks to me even when I talk first. On tinder is the opposite, I can get 20 matches per day and many do talk to me but I feel people only want hookups there. Facebook dating app is very good but I moved countries and it keeps showing me people from when I used to live.

  1. This is a trick question. The answer is none of them. But, if I needed to choose one, it’s Hinge.

  2. You’ll find a mix of people who want casual and long term on all apps. Most of my relationships have come from Tinder, and that one has the reputation for being a hookup app. Lots of low quality to weed through, but for me it was worth it. Met my current bf on there.

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