I’m just curious or looking for things I might not have considered.

I am in my 40s and never grown a full beard or mustache. I don’t really think I want to in the future. I know that men’s beards came more back into style since the 2000s but i was already used to clean shaving and that felt “professional” early in my career then. Never had a partner that was interested in seeing me with a beard as far as I know.

Cons of having facial hair:
– have to shave every day, it takes time and is annoying
– if I don’t shave it gets scratchy and uncomfortable, partners have complained.
– I don’t like the stubble look
– i doubt i will suddenly want to grow out a beard at my age or older
– makes crossdressing harder, more time consuming.

Pros of facial hair:
– If i am a fugitive on the run from the authorities growing a beard would make a quick and dirty disguise to mask my identity.
– if I don’t get rid of it, maybe some hypothetical future partner would be more attracted to it?
– time and money cost for laser hair removal
– it signals my “masculinity” i guess

Just was thinking “why couldn’t I just permanently remove this hair” by getting laser, and other than these far-fetched hypotheticals I can’t really imagine I will regret removing hair if I do that?

  1. As someone who never really could grow a full beard or mustache, I went through every thought you’re going through. And about the time I was going to pull the trigger I noticed that I was starting to grow more facial hair. This, of course, meant that even if I got it done I would have to keep getting it done as more and more hair grew.

    Now I’m in my 50s… I still can’t grow a full beard or mustache, but it’s a lot closer to full now than it was in my 40s. The only thing having the hair removed then would have done is save some razor blades.

  2. I guess if you decide not to be a fugitive on the run from authorities that should be your determining factor

  3. I grow a full beard in a couple of weeks, but I trim around my cheeks and neck. I’d love to have those areas permanently freed of hair growth. It’d save me so much time in the shower every other day.

  4. It’s probably a reasonable idea for some men.

    I still can’t get over how so many hundreds of millions of men have shaved their whole face carefully, with cream, *every day* their entire adult lives, into their 80s or older. Whereas I’m not sure I’ve shaved two days in a row my whole adult life and it’s been almost never with shaving cream, etc. (and for almost all of my adult life, it’s just been cleaning up around the edges of a beard.)

  5. I can grow a full beard fast, and it’s super coarse.

    Never considered permanent removal. Honestly, I have more things I’d rather do with the money.

    You don’t have to like facial hair. Honestly, I trim my long arm and leg hair often because it’s such a pain for applying sunscreen. Armpits get trimmed too, because I want my deodorant to actually get on my skin and not just the armpit hair.

    Unless you really need to be smooth 24/7, I am not sure if it is that life changing.

  6. I’ve only thought about this for my ear hair. Why, or why, do I have ear hair now? Nobody needs that.

  7. If I trusted the technology I’d consider it.

    Not on my face, but my ears grow hair that I could do without, and my shoulder hair.


    I just don’t trust the tech, but also I haven’t looked into it.

  8. As a woman who has ended up with basically a face that’s been sand-papered, reddened and horrible looking, even an actual sore on my chin that took 2 weeks to heal because I was swimming in a lake on vacation so a scab could never develop.. I support this notion! Beard stubble ruins my face.
    As a side note, I dated an East-Asian guy for a bit (genetically thin facial hair– I hope that’s not considered racist to say), whose face was baby soft…it was so nice! No beard burns!

  9. If was affordable? Absolutely.

    Everything on my neck can go. The soul patch, too. All the monkey patches on my cheekbones. The back of my neck.

    I can keep shaving my upper lip just in case my wife dies and I will be in position to regrow my paternal moustache. Everything else I shave can go, now, forever.

  10. I would love to get the mustache area done. I have the sort of permanent-five-o-clock-shadow that some people want, but I hate how it looks above my lip. Even tried taking up wet shaving and still can’t get that spot looking good. Not sure where to look to get this done.

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