What is a hill you’re willing to die on?

  1. Men should not be forced by pressure & convention, to humiliate & emasculate themselves at their own wedding day by public dancing & public speaking.

  2. People who buy bechamel or stock from a jar should be sent to culinary re-education camps

  3. __That the later Y352 Polestar V60 with Volvo VEP4 engine (twin charged 2 liter 4 cylinder) and TG-81SC (8 speed automatic), is far superior to the earlier Y352 Polestar V60 with the Ford Short i6 (twin turbo 3 liter straight 6) and TF-80SC (6 speed automatic)__.

    Other hills…

    __The Ford short i6 is not a Volvo engine__ and was not a worthy successor to the Volvo Modular 6.

    __The Volvo Modular 5 found in the Mk2 Ford Focus ST and RS isn’t a Ford engine__ .

    __R and R-design are not the same__

    __The P1 (Mk2 S40, V50, C30 and Mk2 C70) T5 isn’t a real “T5 high pressure turbo”__ , but a glorified “2.5T low pressure turbo”, basically the low pressure turbo that was missing from the model range…

  4. I have 2.

    1. gif is pronounced with a hard g like gift. If you’re being silly, you may call it “heef”. But never ever ever do you call it jif.

    2. You ALWAYS close the toilet lid before flushing AND YOU LEAVE IT CLOSED. Anyone who doesn’t do both is a disgusting heathen.

  5. There are two genders.

    If people want to pretend there are more and it helps them live a more fulfilling life living as another gender, then I think that is absolutely fine and we should let them be. People deserve to be happy as individuals.

    We should not however, aim to change _everyone’s_ world view and force that upon them as a result.

  6. Respect.

    I will respect a person initially but when they prove that it’s not deserved I will take it back, this is regardless of position, power or familiar connections. It is earned after the initial interaction.

    I don’t care if your a cop or a judge, a politician, a family member or joe blow off the street. I will respect you until you prove it’s not warranted, then you have to earn it back

  7. 1) John Money was a sadistic pedophile and the resulting claims about Gender being learned/ not related to sex was blown out of the water the second David Riemer “de-transitioned” and then was blown out of the water a second time when Riemer blew his brains out with a shotgun from the trauma of being through the sick sick sick experiment that Money put him and his brother through.

    2) Related to 1… Circumcision should ONLY be performed when it is medically required and/or when the boy is old enough to make the informed decision themselves. No western medical authority that doesn’t get paid by the parents to mutilate the baby and then paid again by the cosmetic industry for the amputated part takes any of the health benefit claims seriously and if you tried it, you’d be laughed out of the room by the Doctors.

  8. No one should be using their phone while driving. No Texting, talking, e-mailing, etc. Too many people have almost killed me, especially when I’m riding my motorcycle.

  9. P*rn has been one of, if not the most destructive forces within society for both men & women.

  10. Human society is not cognitively capable of having infinite information.

    For our entire history since the dawn of civilizations, we have been followers. The order of societies have been maintained through the leader-follower dynamic. A citizen had pride in their country, followed their leader, and accomplished their societal task.

    Modern society breaks down that dynamic. I am convinced that the turbulence of the 21st century on a societal level is purely brought on by the information playing field being levelled. Trust in our leaders is non-existent not because our leaders are any different than those of the past, but because they can’t hide things from us anymore.

    Many people believe that leaders not being able to hide things from their people is a good thing that leads to more freedom, but I believe that it is a functional necessity to maintain a society over a long term period.

  11. I refuse to swap seats on planes for anything less than an upgrade to First or Business class.

    I don’t care if you are a handicapped vet in uniform with 7 kids and a medal of valor on your forehead. It’s not happening.

    Because I paid to reserve my seat in advance, and took the time and trouble to do so, trying to take my seat is also trying to take my money. If I could reserve in advance, so could you. A failure to plan on your part does not constitute and inconvenience on my part.

    And if you got hosed by the gods of air travel by random reseating from the airline, or cancellations, or missed connections…well that sucks. For you. Take it up with the crew. This is NOT my problem to solve, and you should be grateful to be on the plane at all.

    If you got upgraded to First through airmiles memberships, don’t expect to be seated next to your companion. I am NOT taking a worse seat, even in First class, to play “unite the couple”. People can be apart for a few hours. Relationships will survive. People don’t *need* to sit together. They *want* to, which is a very different thing.

    As a frequent flier, I am sick of being hounded to swap seats all the time. I have long since learned that no good deed goes unpunished. You try to be nice, you end up in the middle at the back by the toilet, squeezed between two fatties.

    And no, an “equal” seat is insufficient. I am not going to move further up from by bags and have to swim upstream later to get them. I am not moving further back and slowing my deplaning either. Give me your First class seat or fuck off.

  12. If people are passing you on the right, get out of the left lane. You are not a traffic cop, you are impeding the flow of traffic. Move the fuck over.

  13. The college experience is just an advertisement made up to sell kids on delaying adulthood and renting overpriced on-campus housing. A lot of people should live at home to save money or get off campus housing at a low cost apartment. Focus on your education, not sports events, this isn’t HS. Get your degree, get experience while in school and, get out. But muh contacts and networking. That matters at the true elite universities for the top 1% of people. For 99% of people you’ll leave and never talk to anyone from your classes ever again. Your networking should be done professionally after school.

    Add to that a lot of people shouldn’t even go to college right at 18.

  14. We devote far too many resources toward extending life. Quality should be the focus rather than quantity.

    For the US, that shift would do wonders for healthcare expenditures.

  15. Im not gonna be your friend if you entertain yourself with my suffering. And all of this only fans shit made me not wanna date anymore. I guess the hill im dying on with that one is-if you think you can save me for later while you go fuck and date who ever you want-i will fucking DIE before i give you my love

  16. when spouses defend being “just friends” with their ex fwb’s after getting a random facebook dm after years of no contact.

  17. I don’t care if it was “only number 1”. I don’t care if you’re a big boy who can avoid peeing on their hands. You wash your hands after going to the bathroom.

  18. People who park at gas pumps but aren’t actually getting gas are the biggest pieces of shit in the world.

  19. The 6.5 Creedmoor is just fine for deer hunting I don’t even main the 6.5 but I will not stand the slander from the 270 fuck boys claiming the 6.5 ballistic isn’t good when I’ve had to track for hours multiple times to find the deer my buddy shot with his 270 and it still be alive
    Ps it’s about shot placement

  20. People that refuse to return their shopping cart to the store or collection points in the parking lot are the scum of society and don’t deserve rights.

    I don’t care how busy you are you can take the extra 30 seconds.

  21. No business or place needs to be open 24/7

    It’s not as common as you think, but I still believe anything except hospitals or other entirely essential business need to be open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    Close at nine, closed one day a week

  22. Every able bodied, mentally capable teenager/high school student should have to work a service job in order to graduate. I’m talking temp roles serving coffee, taking fast food orders, etc.. I feel like this would be a humbling experience and it might help older generations from treating service staff like garbage.

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