For me I’m just turning 30 and started credit card churning and thought you guys would like this

  1. Realizing I suck at it, and will work until I die. Got my life savings in a brokerage account, was $135k 3 months ago.

    It’s now $84k. Makes me sick to my stomach every time I look at it. Every time I’m tempted to cash out and move it into traditional savings, I tell myself it can’t go down forever. But then, with my luck…..

  2. Can’t tell if this is a real post or OP is just spamming to try to get referral points

    Churning is more of a hobby than a personal finance strategy

  3. Right now I’m Schrodinger’s Broke: my paycheck is in but I haven’t paid most of my bills yet because if I can’t make the necessary ones then having the money will be better than being completely broke but with paid bills. Might be homeless this month, maybe next. So right now my personal finance journey is that I’ve gone off the cliff, haven’t yet crashed but I have a great view of the canyon floor.

  4. I’m at a crossroads where I’ve paid off my property in full and earn three times as much as I need to live on – twice as much as I need to live more than comfortably – but I don’t have nearly enough income/assets to afford property of the size and location where I’d truly like to live.

    Essentially I can keep living in the outer suburbs, where life is particularly ‘meh’, but I have no financial stress at all; or I could sell what I’ve worked hard to pay for, for a chance at mayyyyybe liking (or not liking) something smaller but closer to the city, and still owing enough that I’m back to paying what I did in repayments prior to paying off the loan.

    Yet if I had a partner and a second income, I reckon we could pay off a place where I want to live in four years aggressively, seven comfortably.

    It’s all round pretty shit.

  5. Lol what? You think the missing piece of my personal finance journey is your referral link?

  6. I’m truly not sure, I make 80k. I have 200k in my retirement. Have a house that I bought in 2013 that I owe 100k on, probably worth 325k. And this last month I bought another house to fix up and either sell or rent. So I feel like I’m doing ok and not doing ok at the same time.

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