My friend that I have known for a year only enjoys talking to me/playing games with me when theres other people around and they never talk to me normally when it’s only me and them? I wonder why that is I don’t know if they just think I’m boring or if they’re just uncomfortable but whenever it is just me and them in a call they either get quiet or don’t have a convo or ask where our other friends are, normally I don’t mind it but I wonder why. Sometimes I want to talk to them alone too but I think they might think I’m boring

  1. I personally don’t like one on one as all the attention and effort is on me. This tends to drain my energy.

    In group settings i can “turn off” for a bit while others are talking and thus conserve energy.

    Could also be that they don’t have anything to talk about and thus kinda depwnd on others to suggest topics.

  2. It’s harder to come up with convo topics between two people, even more so if you’ve known them for a long time. Perhaps you aren’t that compatible conversationally and that’s okay. You can still remain friends, but try to make new friends who are easier to connect with.

  3. I am not good talking 1 on 1 with anyone. I am way better in groups where I have a bunch of stuff to bounce off of and I don’t have to be talking as much. It’s a social anxiety thing.

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