Recently, a friend changed places in class, because I was absent from few days. No problem there, but when class ended, she left without waiting for me. This continued on next day as well. We barely talked last two days. We don’t usually text each other. Now being an avoidant attachment myself, I dying internally to end this friendship because I feel I am not getting what I deserved from this friendship, at the same time I am anxious whether I am doing a wrong thing because of avoidant attachment induced fear?

I am afraid to confront fearing she would think of me as needy or desparate yet I also feel uncomfortable with her behaviour. We have been friends for last 2 years. She is independent in personality. How to confront her without me looking as a clingy person?

1 comment
  1. Just ask her if something has happened that you might be unaware of. And if there’s a problem youcan talk it out. It’s not needy if you want to communicate in a regular healthy way.

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