Recently fell really hard for this guy I’ve been hooking up with. Seemed like he was serious about me and we eventually hooked up. I went away traveling for a few months and now that i’m back we hookup 1-2x a week. Lots of signs showing that he’s no longer serious about me/ not interested but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a chance he might actually like me and is just unsure how I feel. I’ve become a big believer in “if he wanted to he would” but for all this guy knows I feel nothing towards him. Not sure if this means much but we cannot stop cuddling both in/outside the bed. I’ll stay over the next day and we’ll just hold each other for hours.

My guy friends advised me to ghost him to test whether or not he cares but I hate what ifs/regrets and think if you love someone you should let them know. Rejection would be fine because at least I can move on- I’m not really in a place to be dating anyone seriously right now anyway. Kind of answering my own question here but I guess i’m just looking for some guidance/encouragement.

I can causally tell him how I feel without putting pressure on the relationship, ghost him and play into a game, or wait it out. Being vulnerable is so fucking hard when you’re unsure. What should I actually do?

1 comment
  1. Don’t play games with ghosting etc that’s immature and would be a turn off. Just be straight forward but it does seem like you don’t exactly know what you want with this person either? Maybe try taking the s** out of it and date without being intimate. See if there’s something really there.

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